January 13th – 17th, 2025

Dear DG Families,

We hit the ground running (or rather dancing!) last week with Bollywood Dancing workshops.  Thank you for those of you who were able to attend the performance Friday afternoon!    There’s lots on the go this week, as well.    Please read on for all the details ….













Reminder – the deadline to submit orders for Term 2 Special Lunch and Snack days is this Wednesday.

Ordering info and details can be found in the PAC info section, further down in this post

REMINDER – Monday, January 13th, 6:30pm: K French Immersion Info Night at Burnsview

Please see reminders about French Immersion Application Deadlines in the School District section, towards the end of this post.


Black Excellence Day is January 15th!

As a lead up to Black History Month, which is February, Black Excellence Day is a day to rejoice Black history and learn about Black stories, Black art and Black people, and a day to stand in solidarity with Black Canadians.

  • Black Excellence Day was created by Ninandotoo Society and takes place on January 15th each year (or the preceding Friday if it falls on a weekend or holiday).
  • January 15th is in honour of the great civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was born on January 15, 1929.
  • The contributions of Black Canadians and the ongoing civil rights struggle of Black Canadians often go unacknowledged in our history books and school curriculum.
  • The term Black Excellence was born out of the civil rights movement in the 1960s.

In celebration of Black Excellence Day, and throughout Black History Month, we will be learning about the struggles and contributions of notable Black Canadians.   We are also looking forward to a performance from the group Metaphor, later this month.  They will be sharing their presentation of Hip Hop 101.  The show explores the history of hip-hop, looking at how hip-hop culture has always shaped the communities it touches, from its roots in African oral tradition to contemporary sounds. Through music, dance, and participatory games, students explore themes of anti-racism, anti-bullying, self-empowerment, acceptance, and celebration. Metaphor’s Hip-Hop 101 is a pumped-up performance of positive hip-hop.

Thank you, DG PAC, for helping us bring in this dynamic group!


Reminder – Personal Digital Devices at School

Please be reminded that students are not permitted to use cellphones or other personal digital devices at school. For more information, please visit: Elementary school restrictions. If you have any questions, please contact the school.



What exactly is PAC?   Check out their one-pager, here


TERM 2 SPECIAL LUNCH AND SNACK DAYS – Orders due by Wed, Jan 15th

Happy New Year!  We are trying some new suppliers this time!

Nando’s Hot Lunch– Thursday, Jan 23

Cobs Buns and Cinnamon Buns Snack (for recess) – Wednesday Feb 5

TCBY Frozen Yogurt Snack (for recess) – Wednesday Feb 12

Loz Takos Lunch (Gluten Free Option available) – Thursday Feb 20

Subway Sandwiches Lunch (Gluten Free Bread Option available) – Thursday Mar 13

Deadline to submit online orders – Wednesday, January 15

How to Order

  • Visit https://devonpac.hotlunches.net/ and register for an account (you must register for a new account each year, may use same login and password as previous years)
  • Select items/order per child & pay
  • For step-by-step instructions on registering and ordering/payment, click here.

Other information to note:

  • Hot Lunch ordering is optional. Absolutely no-obligation to order.
  • Proceeds from all hot lunch fundraising will be administered by the PAC and go towards the purchase of school/student/classroom needs/supplies/events, etc.
  • No additional utensils or condiments will be provided. Please feel free to send a drink, etc. to supplement your child(s) order.
  • If you have more than one child at the school, place orders for all children first and then proceed to final payment. This will save you transaction fees.
  • Nutritional Info:
  • Please be mindful of known absences/vacations when placing orders.
  • If your child is absent on the day of the hot lunch, the meal will be automatically donated to someone else. Please email your child’s teacher if you want to pick up their food. Pick up is between 1:30-2:15PM at the office on the day of the hot lunch
  • *If you need to pay through an alternate method (cash or e-transfer) please place the order through the hotlunch website and email us to arrange payment

Questions???  Please send an email to pacdevongardens@gmail.com.

The PAC is also in need of volunteers to assist with special foods days.  If you assist, please sign up using this link:


Thank you,

Your Devon Gardens PAC

Questions???  Please send an email to pacdevongardens@gmail.com.



PAC Fundraisers ongoing throughout the year


Return-it Express

PAC has created a school fundraising account. To participate, simply bring your containers to the depot in sealed, clear bags, and enter the registered phone number, 604-581-6185, into the Express kiosk. You will be prompted to select the number of bags you’re dropping off, the kiosk will automatically print the same number of sticker tags displaying our PACs unique Express account code. Tag each of your bags with a sticker tag and drop the bags off in the designated Express drop-off area to be counted. For a list of Return-it Express location visit https://www.return-it.ca/locations/express/

Cobs Bread Dough Raiser Program

This program enables us to raise money for our school throughout the year! Be sure to mention Devon Gardens Elementary (or code 7806) each time you make a purchase at COBS Bread Scott 72 Centre; they will donate 10% of your purchase back to our school


Online Stay Safe & Babysitting Courses

Offered through First Aid Hero. When registering use promo/coupon code “DevGardens25” and our PAC will earn $5 from each registration. For details, available course dates and online registration, please follow the link: www.FirstAidHero.com

Questions? Send an email to pacdevongardens@gmail.com






Kinder Books

Introducing the Kinder Books Loyalty Program for schools! This year-long fundraising program is designed to help schools earn credit towards purchasing books for their school library.

Here’s how it works: for every net book purchase made at Kinder Books, the school will earn 10% of the purchase amount towards a credit at our store. At the end of the fundraiser, we will notify the school of their credit amount. The school can then decide to use the credit at the beginning of the new school year or at the end of the calendar year.

The best part? This program applies to all book purchases at our store, including special orders for kids and books for adults. Plus, orders can be placed online at www.kinderbooks.ca, making it easy for grandparents or other family members who live out of town to participate. Simply mention your school’s name at checkout, and we’ll credit your school accordingly.

Online orders can be picked up at the store during business hours or shipped through Canada Post


Information from the School District


French Immersion for the 2025-26 School Year

There are two French Immersion Programs offered in Delta: EARLY French Immersion Program (Kindergarten to Grade 12) and LATE French Immersion Program (Grade 6 to Grade 12). Do you, or does someone you know, have a child who might be interested in the French Immersion Programs staring in September?

While it might seem early, now is the time to start looking into it!  There is an application process, with very strict deadlines.

The first step is to attend a French Immersion Parent Information Meeting.


Early French Immersion (Kindergarten Entry):

In-Person Information Nights

Jan 13, 2025 at 6:30p.m. at Burnsview Secondary

Jan 14, 2025 at 6:30p.m. at South Delta Secondary

Application deadline: January 22, 2025 at 4p.m.


Late French Immersion (Grade 6 Entry):

In-Person Information Nights

Feb 10, 2025 at 6:30p.m. at Chalmers Elementary

Feb 11, 2025 at 6:30p.m. at Cliff Drive Elementary

Application deadline: February 12, 2025 at 4p.m.


Online registration for both programs begins on January 4th, at 8:00 am   Online Application Page

If this doesn’t apply to your family, but you know someone else who might be interested, please pass the information along.


Delta School District Seeking Volunteers for Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Delta School District is looking for student, staff and community volunteers interested in serving on its Accessibility Advisory Committee.

The Accessibility Advisory Committee is dedicated to identifying social, physical, sensory and other barriers that prevent people from fully participating in all aspects of school community life and advising on strategies to reduce them, ensuring a more inclusive and accessible environment.

If you are interested in helping our school district become more accessible and welcoming to all, please complete the online application (or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://forms.gle/UnQJP7uDdLQX5AFC8) by February 7, 2025.

Applicants who are shortlisted may be required to attend a short interview. Committee appointments will be made based on best fit and in accordance with the Accessible BC Act and the applicant criteria.

Applicant Criteria
The Accessible BC Act stipulates that advisory committees should feature a broad spectrum of people to represent B.C.’s diverse population. Committees must include an Indigenous person, and at least half of the members must be people with disabilities, members of families of people with disabilities, or members of organizations that support people with disabilities. To be eligible, applicants must also be a resident of the City of Delta or study, work or volunteer in Delta, or have children that study in Delta.

Accessibility Plan
The Delta School District has developed an Accessibility Plan which will be reviewed and updated at least once every three years in accordance with the Accessible British Columbia Act with the support of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. In addition to the committee, the district has established a working group made up of leaders within departments and schools who will carry out the work devised in the Accessibility Plan.

If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Braid, District Principal, Employee Services at nbraid@deltaschools.ca or 604 952 2939.


Now – French Immersion applications for 25-26 school year available on line

Monday, January 13th – Kindergarten French Immersion info night (Burnsview, 6:30pm)

Wednesday, January 15th – Black Excellence Day

Wednesday, January 15th – Deadline for ordering for special lunch and snack days for term 2

Friday, January 17th – PAC movie night 5:00pm (doors open at 4:30pm)

Monday, January 20th – Performance Group – Metaphor “Hip Hop 101”

Monday, January 20th – PAC meeting, 7:00pm

Wednesday, January 22nd – deadline for applications French Immersion Kindergarten, 4:00pm


Other dates and events are listed on our school calendar on our website: https://dg.deltasd.bc.ca/events-calendar/