June 26, 2020

Dear DG Families,

Our sincerest thank you to all our students and families for what has turned out to be an unusual school year.   Thank you for your support and for your resilience this last term and we were grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with many of our students and their families as we closed out the year.  We are so appreciative of the wonderful school community that is Devon Gardens!  We wish our grade 7 students who are off to high school all the best and we look forward to welcoming our returning and new students to DG back to school in September.

As there is still some uncertainty as to what school will look like in the fall, be sure to check the school website and/or keep an eye out for emails from the school prior to the start of the new school year.    We will be sure to update you as new information becomes available

On behalf of the staff at DG, we wish all of you a wonderful and safe summer!

Mme Greenhalgh & Ms Tee


Term 3 Report Cards

Term 3 report cards are online.  Please log on to parent connect to view your child’s report card.


School Supplies

School supply lists for the upcoming school year are on our website and can be found here as well.  Please note that individual teachers may let you know of additional supplies that may be needed once your child has entered his/her new class.

Please label each item with your child’s name (every pencil, crayon etc) as we will not be sharing supplies.

french Supply Lists ALL GRADES 2020-2021

English Supply Lists – ALL GRADES 2020-2021

2020-2021 School Calendar

Please find again the calendar of events for the 2020-2021 school year.  Many of these dates have already been put into the parent calendar.  As always, please continue to look on the calendar page of our website for up to date events.

2020-2021 appendix II -FINAL COPY



Staff Photo

We created this fun photo as a year end keepsake for our staff.   See if you can guess who’s who (please note, photo is not to scale … each staff member is as tall as Mme Greenhalgh needed them to be to fit in the frame!)  

How many staff members can you identify?

We want to wish all of you a happy and safe summer.  Should you need to leave the school a message, please email the school at devongardens.elem.cims@deltasd.bc.ca

While the email account will not be checked regularly over the summer, it will ensure that we get your message when we are back on site.  Our phone lines have limited message capacity and we would not want to lose your message.