
December 5th – 9th

Dear DG Families,

Although December is a short month (at school, anyway), we sure pack a lot in!  Please read on for important info and reminders about what’s happening at school:




“Best Seats” Contest

Entries to win “best seats” at the Christmas Concerts were due on Friday.   We’ll do one final reminder on the announcements Monday morning to make sure no entry forms were accidentally left in backpacks or classrooms on Friday.  Following that, no more entries will be accepted.
Soooo….. even though the deadline was Friday, you could still get a few more entry forms in, up until Monday morning announcements (send them to school with your children). But, then, that’s it!  
Winners of the “best seats” contest will be contacted this week.   Good luck, everyone!


Report Cards

A reminder, Term 1 Report Cards will be available for viewing on Parent Connect as of Thursday, December 8th. An email will be sent out when the report cards have been uploaded to parent connect.

Prior to Thursday, please try logging onto Parent Connect to make sure your login and passwords are working.  If you are having any difficulty, please contact Ms Labrosse in the office.

Parent Connect Link: https://cimsweb.deltasd.bc.ca/schoolconnect/parentsignone.aspx


Christmas Hampers

For the past few years, we have partnered up with  another school in Delta to provide families in need with some Christmas hampers this year.  Our sister school will provide hampers for our families and in turn we are collecting items to help their families. We do this in the spirit of trying to keep things private and confidential for the families who are in need.

Please have a look at the descriptions of the two families below and please consider bringing in donations to help with our hamper efforts. We would like to get the hampers to them by Monday, Dec 12th.  Students can bring in donations to their teachers, or they can be dropped off directly at the office.

Again our sincerest thank you!

Family #1 Mom & 2 Children

One family of two girls (single mom)

Grade 7 Girl:

  • bracelets
  • nail polish
  • art supply kit
  • journal for writing & coloured pens
  • clothing approx size 12
  • needs toque and gloves/warm clothes

Grade 5 Girl:

  • Has a Nintendo Switch likes games for it
  • clothing approx. size 10
  • would like new shoes (size unknown, so a gift card would be best)
  • needs toque and gloves/warm clothes

Family gift ideas:

  • Treats such as hot chocolate, chocolates/candies, nice coffee/tea, etc…
  • Toiletries such as nice shampoo/conditioner, body wash, etc…
  • Household items such as dish soap, cleaning supplies, etc..
  • Gift cards for Walmart, SuperStore, SaveOn, Winners


Family #2 Mom & 2 kids

Twin girls (girls are very similar in interests)

  • LOL dolls
  • stuffies
  • toques, mitts
  • barbies & accessories
  • clothing size small or 6
  • bath bombs, bubble bath
  • art supply kits

Family gift ideas:

  • Treats such as hot chocolate, chocolates/candies, nice coffee/tea, etc…
  • Toiletries such as nice shampoo/conditioner, body wash, etc…
  • Household items such as dish soap, cleaning supplies, etc..
  • Gift cards for Walmart, SuperStore, SaveOn, Winners

Should you want to sign up to buy an item, please do so on this link.  You DO NOT need to write your name – you could use your initials, or put “yes” or a check-mark, etc…  we are just trying to make sure that we don’t get 16 toques:)  Again, thank you all for your generosity!



Canned Food Drive

As we have done in previous years, we are once again collecting donations of non-perishable food items for Delta Assist. Our food drive starts this Wednesday and runs until next Wednesday.   We are also asking that you please bring a donation for the food drive as your “entry” to the Christmas Concert.


School Safety – About Us – Park Elementary School 




Important Safety Reminders

Parking Issues

There are SO MANY AWESOME things about our school.  Unfortunately, an abundance of parking is not one of them.

Please do NOT double park when dropping off your children to school.   Unfortunately, this has continued after previous reminders.  This negatively impacts families by causing them to be late for other commitments as they cannot get out of their parking spot.   We are also asking that you not pull your car in, blocking other vehicles, even if you are not technically “parking”.   This is frustrating to other drivers and it also creates an unsafe situation for students by reducing viability near the parking lot and road.  If the parking lot is full, you need to find parking elsewhere in the neighbourhood.






Pick Up and Drop Off

The driving conditions are slippery with ice and snow. Please drive SLOWLY and CAREFULLY at pick up and drop off times. The safety of students and families is the most important consideration during pick up and drop off times. If you are late coming to school, please don’t rush/speed, and use extra caution near the school so students who are arriving late do so safely.

Delta Police are aware of the traffic safety concerns near schools, ours included, and they will intermittently visit the school during pick up and drop off times to ensure the families are following local traffic regulations.   Student safety is the top priority, over driver convenience, every time.

Coolidge Elementary School


Communicable Disease Guidelines

Devon Gardens is continuing to follow the Provincial Communicable Disease Guideline for K-12 Settings. We all need to continue to do our part as a school community to stop the spread of infectious diseases. As such, we are going to ask that students and families continue to do the following this year:

  • Complete a daily health check and keep your child at home when they are sick
  • Do NOT send your child to school if they are ill, have symptoms or are not able to participate fully in routine activities (including going outside for recess)
  • Respiratory etiquette and respect the personal space of others
  • Good hand hygiene and wash and sanitize hands often

Lately, we have noticed an increase in the number of students coming to school sick.  Please keep your children home when ill.

Germs Are Not for Sharing: Verdick, Elizabeth, Heinlen, Marieka: 9781575421964: Books - Amazon.ca











Cold Weather

With winter around the corner, we are reminding parents to ensure that students have what they need to be able to play outside in the cold weather (such as gloves, toques, jackets, boots).  Please also take the time to label your child’s items, especially gloves, otherwise they end up in the ….



Lost and Found

Our Lost and Found is overflowing!  Please come by and check it out (entry via the undercover entrance) and retrieve any lost and found items that belong to your child. Doors will be open from December 5th to December 9th from 8:20 – 9:00 each morning.  Any items not picked up by December 9th will be donated to a local charity.  Ms. Grund has been doing a great job posting pictures of lost and found items to Twitter @DGElem so please check those out.  You may just spot something that belongs at your house!





Christmas Concerts

Our Christmas Concerts are next Tuesday, December 13th and we CANNOT WAIT to see you there!!!  It’s been 3 long years ….

There will be two shows – 1:30pm and 6:30pm.

As typically there are more guests at the evening concert, we are encouraging those who are available to come to the afternoon performance to do so.   There is no limit to the number of family members who can attend the afternoon show and tickets are not required.  You will, however, need your tickets (sent home last week) in order to get in to the evening concert.   We have issued two tickets per family.  Additional tickets may be available if families who won’t be using theirs return them (if you will not be using your tickets, please return them promptly to the office).  Additional tickets, should any become available, will be issued first come, first served.  If you would like to be put on the “extra ticket” list, please email  devongardens.elem@deltaschools.ca.

Please bring a canned food item as your “entry” to the concert.

Also, the PAC will be selling 50/50 tickets, so bring along some cash (see more under PAC section, below)


Consent Icon in Trendy Design Style. Consent Icon Isolated on White Background Stock Vector - Illustration of icon, customs: 135749898





Christmas Concert Video

We’d like to video the Christmas Concert in case there are families who are not able to attend.   We can only do this, however, if we have media/photo consent for all students.   Please go on to Parent Connect to check whether or not you have completed the consent forms.  Here is a link that provides instructions on how to complete the forms on Parent Connect:


If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact Mme Greenhalgh egreenhalgh@deltaschools.ca



Important Information about FRENCH IMMERSION for the 2023-2024 School Year

Are you interested in:

  • the Early French Immersion program for your soon-to-be-Kindergarten child?


  • the Late French Immersion program for your currently-in-grade-5 child?

Or, do you know a family who might be?

Please note and/or pass along this important information about French Immersion for the coming school year


Our district offers both early (Kindergarten) and late (grade 6) French Immersion programs.  Both programs require an application prior to registration. 

Here are some other important reminders/dates about French Immersion:

1.  An on-line application form needs to first be completed and submitted by the deadline.  This demonstrates a commitment by the families to register their child in the designated program if their child is accepted and to understand that there is a commitment for the child to stay in the French Immersion program until Grade 12.   Applications will be available January 4th on both the School District website https://www.deltasd.bc.ca/programs/french-immersion/

2.  The deadline for application is January 22nd at 4:00 pm

3. ALL families hoping for a Kindergarten or Grade 6 (Late Immersion) spot for September 2023 MUST apply, including families who already have children in the French Immersion program.,  Having a child already in the French Immersion program does not guarantee you a spot for your upcoming child.   But, it does increase your chances!

4. Spots are given following a priority order.  Find out more, here https://www.deltasd.bc.ca/programs/french-immersion/

5. There is more IMPORTANT information on the District website https://www.deltasd.bc.ca/programs/french-immersion/

6.  Deadline for application is January 22nd at 4:00 pm







Shortage of School Crossing Guards Throughout the City - City of Thunder Bay



Adult Crossing Guard Needed (paid position)

We are still looking for a Crossing Guard for the corner of Nordel and 112th.  

Do you know someone (friend, neighbour, family member, etc…) who might be interested?   Please help us get the word out!      If yes, please contact Ms. Grund at bgrund@deltaschools.ca   or at 604-581-6185

This is a part-time role, for one hour per day (30 minutes each in the morning and afternoon), Monday – Friday, from September to June, on days school is in session.


8:20– 8:50am, Mon – Fri

3:00 – 3:30pm, Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri

1:45 – 2:15pm, Wed


Completion of Grade 10, or equivalent. Ability to communicate effectively with students, parents and drivers. Ability to use good judgement when confronted with difficult situations. Knowledge of and the ability to apply basic road safety rules. Physically capable of performing the duties of the position. Ability to work in all weather conditions. Criminal records check required

Student Crossing Guard Schedule

A huge thank you to our student crossing guards!   We appreciate the many students that volunteer their time to keep our school community safe before and after school. As this is such an important role, we ask that students find their own replacements if they are not able to do their crossing guard duty. Please review the updated crossing guard schedule with your child so they understand when their crossing guard duty takes place. Ms Grund is in charge of our Student Crossing Guard program, so please contact her with any questions.PlayDay Reg Form Nov 28

Revised Crossing Guard Schedule Crossing Guard




Reminder – PAC Meeting

The December PAC meeting will be tomorrow evening (Monday, December 5th) at 7:30pm, in the Library.  If you are unable to join us in person, a Zoom link will also be provided.  Please watch for this email tomorrow.

50/50 Draw… How Exciting!


Thank you to our AWESOME PAC for organizing the 50/50 draw!   Please note, tickets will be cash only.  The draw(s) will happen at the end of each concert and you must be present to win!


Reminder – PAC Fundraisers ongoing throughout the year

Return-it Express

PAC has created a school fundraising account. To participate, simply bring your containers to the depot in sealed, clear bags, and enter the registered phone number, 604-581-6185, into the Express kiosk. You will be prompted to select the number of bags you’re dropping off, the kiosk will automatically print the same number of sticker tags displaying our PACs unique Express account code. Tag each of your bags with a sticker tag and drop the bags off in the designated Express drop-off area to be counted. For a list of Return-it Express location visit https://www.return-it.ca/locations/express/

Cobs Bread Dough Raiser Program

This program enables us to raise money for our school throughout the year! Be sure to mention Devon Gardens Elementary (or code 7806) each time you make a purchase at COBS Bread Scott 72 Centre; they will donate 10% of your purchase back to our school.



Level Ground Trading

Level Ground is a BC business that works with fair trade coffee, tea, dried fruit and spice producers.

  • Supporters enter the code devongardensin the ‘discount code’ field at the checkout.
  • All products on our web store (com) qualify for the fundraiser. Orders must be $40 or more. These orders also qualify for free shipping to most addresses in Canada (there is a shipping fee on all orders shipped to NU/NT/YK). All orders are paid for through our web site and shipped directly to your supporters. No need to collect orders or distribute products to households.
  • Your fundraising amount is 20% of total sales.  So on a $100 order your school will receive $20.


Online Stay Safe & Babysitting Courses

Offered through First Aid Hero. When registering use promo/coupon code DGPAC and our PAC will earn $5 from each registration. For details, available course dates and online registration, please refer to this flyer:


Questions? Send an email to pacdevongardens@gmail.com

Thank you,

Your Devon Gardens PAC





Monday, December 5th: PAC meeting 7:30 pm

Wednesday, December 7th: Canned Food Drive begins

Thursday, December 8th: Term 1 Report Cards available online

Monday, December 12th: Last day to bring in Christmas Hamper donations

Tuesday, December 13th: Christmas Concerts –

  • TWO shows1:30pm & 6:30pm (bring your canned food items and your $$ for the 50/50 draw!)

Wednesday, December 14th: Pyjama Day

Thursday, December 15th: PAC Purdy’s chocolate orders pick-up after school (undercover area)

Friday, December 16th: Special Foods Day (pizza hut)

Friday, December 16th: last day of school before Winter Break

Other dates and events are listed on the school calendar on our website: https://dg.deltasd.bc.ca/events-calendar/