Dear DG Families,
Instructions for Parent Connect can be found here. If you are having difficulty logging into Parent Connect, please contact Ms Chahal in the office.

Early Dismissal February 6th and 7th
Student led conferences are on Thursday, February 6th and Friday, February 7th. To accommodate this, students will be dismissed at 2:00 pm both February 6th and 7th.
As teachers will be conducting conferences, students must be picked up, promptly, at 2:00 pm on these dates.
Please make a note of this in your calendars and advise daycare providers or other family members who pick up your child from school.

What is a Student-Led Conference? Just as it sounds, a student-led conference is a conference with parents, led by the student. The role of the classroom teacher is a facilitator in the conference process. Students lead parents through a discussion of their work and established academic and social goals. The process includes the teacher facilitating several conferences at the same time. Conference appointments will be 20 min long (some students/parents may require less time, which is fine), and several sets of parents may sign up for each appointment time.

When students have the opportunity to show, explain and demonstrate their learning, they are not only communicating their accomplishments and understanding, but also sharing with you what and how they are learning, and the criteria for success. In addition, giving students this opportunity:
- develops your child’s self-assessment and communication skills
- helps build the independence, confidence, self-esteem and pride of your child
- provides an opportunity for your child to receive supportive feedback to further their learning
- provides an opportunity to celebrate your child’s learning. While your child is leading you through the conference, the teacher will be available to join you for part of the time.
Roles and Responsibilities of Student-Led Conferences
Ensuring Students come Dressed for the Weather
The temperatures have been dipping down to the single digits (and lower!) and we may get some snow this week! Please expect that kids will go outside at recess and lunch, unless there is extreme weather. Ensuring students come dressed for the weather isn’t just important for playing outside. It’s also important in case of an emergency requiring evacuation of the building.
In addition to ensuring your children come dressed for the weather, we ask that ALL students have a change of clothes at school (yes, even grade 7s). The field can be quite slippery and muddy. In order to avoid us having to call you (possibly at work), to bring your child a change of clothes, please ensure that your child has spare clothes at school that they can change into, just in case. Your child’s spare clothing should be labelled with their name, in a ziplock bag, and left either in the classroom or in your child’s backpack.

Will School be Cancelled if it Snows?
Occasionally the District has closed schools due to snow. In this event, any district wide closure or decisions will be decided and communicated by 7 a.m. the day of. Any announcements will be made via radio stations (CBC AM 690, CKNW AM 980, News AM 1130, Fairchild AM 1470) and via TV stations (CTV BC, CBC, City TV, Global BC). Information will also be posted on the District website. Please note: If it’s snowing, no announcement will be made stating that schools are open. Only closures and delayed openings will be announced.
Please see the school district website for more detailed info on winter weather procedures.

February is Black History Month
Black History Month provides us with the opportunity to celebrate and learn about the many achievements and contributions of Black individuals and communities, despite having endured historical and continuing inequality and oppression. BC has a rich Black history dating back to Canada’s colonial origins. In 1858, nearly 800 free Black people left the oppressive racial conditions of San Francisco for a new life on Vancouver Island. These pioneers enriched the socio-economic life in their community, overcoming intense discrimination and adversity. From the 1920s to the 1960s, Vancouver’s Black Community clustered in the East End, with its nucleus at a site known as Hogan’s Alley, and became a thriving Black community and cultural hub.
In 1967, the decision to expand the highway system through Vancouver resulted in the expropriation of land and buildings in this area to make way for the construction of the Georgia and Dunsmuir Viaducts, resulting in the loss of homes and businesses. The Black Community was uprooted from this area and an identifiable Black neighbourhood has not re-emerged in Vancouver.
Here’s an interesting video about Hogan’s Alley:
Black History Month was recognized by the Government of Canada in the House of Commons in 1995. The motion was introduced by the Honourable Jean Augustine, the first Black Canadian woman elected to parliament. Vancouver City Council passed a motion in 2011, designating Black History Month one of its official celebrations. Throughout the month of February, we look forward to learning more about the history, contributions, and culture of Black Canadians.

Reporting Student Absences
If your child will be absent from school, please notify the office directly. You can do this by either:
- calling the school (604-581-6185) and following the prompts to leave a message
- by sending an email to the general school email address
In your message, please also let us know the reason of your child’s absence. If your child is away due to illness, it’s helpful if you let us know your child’s symptoms (assists with monitoring for illnesses that are easily spread among students.).
Please note – Just advising the teacher, or another staff member, that your child will be absent is not sufficient. Please notify the office directly
Just telling the teacher, or another staff member, frequently results in miscommunication about student absences, unnecessary phone calls home to parents, and significant time spent trying to verify absences. Here are a couple of very common examples of how this miscommunication occurs:
- When dropping off their other child, a parent informs a teacher/staff member of the sibling’s absence. The staff member is focusing on getting their students’ day underway and isn’t able to do anything with this information (and/or the staff member assumes the parent has also informed the office, per the expected procedure, so doesn’t pass the info along).
- A parent emailed the teacher regarding their child’s absence but the teacher didn’t see the email until after school, or in another situation the teacher didn’t see the email at all because they were also absent that day.
For this reason, please report your child’s absence directly to the office, via phone call or email.
If you like, you may also advise the classroom teacher of your child’s absence, but the requirement is that parents report their child’s absence to the office.
Please don’t send your children to school when they are ill
When children are sick the best environment for them is their home with proper medical and parental attention.
If your child feels unwell, please keep the following in mind:
- The wellbeing of your child. Without proper rest, a child may have a hard time fighting an illness or be at risk for other illnesses.
- The ability of your child to actively take part and learn at school.
- The classroom or medical room are not appropriate places for a sick child to spend the better part of the day. While we can manage this short term (eg. while waiting for a parent to come pick up their child), school personnel are responsible for their daily teaching and work assignments and cannot care for a sick child and give them the support that they may need.
- The protection of other children and prevention of spreading illness to others.
Please keep your child home if they:
- Have a fever, rash, bad cough, sore throat, very runny nose
- Are too sick to take part in all normal school activities (this includes going outside at recess and lunch)
- Have a suspected or known communicable disease (i.e. strep throat, chicken pox, measles).
- Is vomiting or has diarrhea.
- Students should be symptom free at least 24 hours before returning to school.
If your child becomes ill at school and they need to go home, please make sure you have provided the school an emergency contact (through Parent Connect) who can pick up your child if you are not available.

Allergy Reminder
Due to very serious allergies, we ask that NO seafood/fish, onions or nuts be brought to school. Please also keep this in mind whether it be a lunch prepared at home as well as if you are dropping off a commercially prepared lunch (eg. fast food) for your child.

What exactly is PAC? Check out their one-pager, here

A reminder about Recess Snack Days- there’s one this week (Cobs)
- Proceeds from Snack Days will be administered by the PAC and go towards the purchase of school/student/classroom needs/supplies/events, etc.
- Please send utensils with your child as these will not be provided. Feel free to also send a drink, condiments, etc. to supplement your child(s) order.
- If your child is absent on Snack Days, your child’s order will be automatically donated to someone else UNLESS you email your child’s teacher that you want to pick up their food. Pick up is between 1:30-2:15PM at the office on the day of (please do not come earlier). Your child’s order will be kept in the fridge until this time
Questions??? Please send an email to
PAC Fundraisers ongoing throughout the year

Return-it Express
PAC has created a school fundraising account. To participate, simply bring your containers to the depot in sealed, clear bags, and enter the registered phone number, 604-581-6185, into the Express kiosk. You will be prompted to select the number of bags you’re dropping off, the kiosk will automatically print the same number of sticker tags displaying our PACs unique Express account code. Tag each of your bags with a sticker tag and drop the bags off in the designated Express drop-off area to be counted. For a list of Return-it Express location visit

Cobs Bread Dough Raiser Program
This program enables us to raise money for our school throughout the year! Be sure to mention Devon Gardens Elementary (or code 7806) each time you make a purchase at COBS Bread Scott 72 Centre; they will donate 10% of your purchase back to our school
Online Stay Safe & Babysitting Courses
Offered through First Aid Hero. When registering use promo/coupon code “DevGardens25” and our PAC will earn $5 from each registration. For details, available course dates and online registration, please follow the link:
Questions? Send an email to

Kinder Books
Introducing the Kinder Books Loyalty Program for schools! This year-long fundraising program is designed to help schools earn credit towards purchasing books for their school library.
Here’s how it works: for every net book purchase made at Kinder Books, the school will earn 10% of the purchase amount towards a credit at our store. At the end of the fundraiser, we will notify the school of their credit amount. The school can then decide to use the credit at the beginning of the new school year or at the end of the calendar year.
The best part? This program applies to all book purchases at our store, including special orders for kids and books for adults. Plus, orders can be placed online at, making it easy for grandparents or other family members who live out of town to participate. Simply mention your school’s name at checkout, and we’ll credit your school accordingly.
Online orders can be picked up at the store during business hours or shipped through Canada Post
Information from the School District
Late French Immersion (grade 6 entry)for the 2025-26 School Year
The LATE French Immersion Program (Grade 6 to Grade 12) is available at Chalmers Elementary in North Delta and Cliff Drive Elementary in South Delta. Do you, or does someone you know, have a child currently in grade 5 who might be interested in the Late French Immersion Program staring in September?
There is an application process, with very strict deadlines.
The first step is to attend a French Immersion Parent Information Meeting.
In-Person Information Nights
Feb 10, 2025 at 6:30p.m. at Chalmers Elementary
Feb 11, 2025 at 6:30p.m. at Cliff Drive Elementary
Application deadline: February 12, 2025 at 4p.m.
Access the Online Application Page
If this doesn’t apply to your family, but you know someone else who might be interested, please pass the information along.
Reminder – Personal Digital Devices at School
Please be reminded that students are not permitted to use cellphones or other personal digital devices at school. For more information, please visit: Elementary school restrictions. If you have any questions, please contact the school.

Delta School District Seeking Volunteers for Accessibility Advisory Committee
The Delta School District is looking for student, staff and community volunteers interested in serving on its Accessibility Advisory Committee.
The Accessibility Advisory Committee is dedicated to identifying social, physical, sensory and other barriers that prevent people from fully participating in all aspects of school community life and advising on strategies to reduce them, ensuring a more inclusive and accessible environment.
If you are interested in helping our school district become more accessible and welcoming to all, please complete the online application (or copy and paste this link into your browser: by February 7, 2025.
Applicants who are shortlisted may be required to attend a short interview. Committee appointments will be made based on best fit and in accordance with the Accessible BC Act and the applicant criteria.
Applicant Criteria
The Accessible BC Act stipulates that advisory committees should feature a broad spectrum of people to represent B.C.’s diverse population. Committees must include an Indigenous person, and at least half of the members must be people with disabilities, members of families of people with disabilities, or members of organizations that support people with disabilities. To be eligible, applicants must also be a resident of the City of Delta or study, work or volunteer in Delta, or have children that study in Delta.
Accessibility Plan
The Delta School District has developed an Accessibility Plan which will be reviewed and updated at least once every three years in accordance with the Accessible British Columbia Act with the support of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. In addition to the committee, the district has established a working group made up of leaders within departments and schools who will carry out the work devised in the Accessibility Plan.
If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Braid, District Principal, Employee Services at or 604 952 2939.
Parent Education Opportunity

February is Black History Month
Now – Feb 12th- Late French Immersion (grade 6) applications for 25-26 school year available on line
Monday, February 3rd – last day to book Student Led Conference appointments
Monday, February 3rd – PAC meeting, 7pm
Tuesday, Feb 4th – Grade 6 boys Basketball game @ DG
Wednesday, February 5th – Recess Snack day (Cobs)
Thursday, February 6th – Early dismissal for student led conferences – 2pm
Friday, February 7th – Early dismissal for student led conferences – 2pm
Wednesday, February 12th – Recess Snack day (TCBY)
Friday, February 14th – School Spirit Day – red & pink
Monday, February 17th – Family Day (schools are closed)
Tuesday, Feb 18th – Grade 6 boys Basketball game @ Gibson
Thursday, February 20th –Special Lunch Day (Loz Takos)
Thursday, February 20th – Grade 7 boys Basketball game @ Gibson
Thursday, February 20th – Grade 6/7 Girls Basketball game @ DG
Friday, February 21st – Pro-D Day (no school for students)
Tuesday, February 25th – Grade 6 boys Basketball game @ DG
Wednesday, February 26th- PAC popcorn sale at recess
Thursday, February 27th – Grade 6/7 Girls Basketball game @ RI
Friday, February 28th – DG School Science Fair
Friday, February 28th – Pink Shirt Day
Other dates and events are listed on our school calendar on our website: