February 10th – 14th, 2025

Dear DG Families,


Crossing Guard at River Road and Russell Drive

Ms Phalen, our regular Crossing Guard at River Road and Russell Drive, will be off for the next few weeks.   Ms Paul, a new employee of the District, is able to fill in on most days of the week.  Please help us welcome her to our school community by saying hello when you see her!   Please also make sure to use extra caution when crossing busy roads, especially when a Crossing Guard is unavailable.


Please don’t send your children to school when they are ill

We’ve noticed some students are bcoming to school, sick, when they should be at home resting.   When children are sick the best environment for them is their home with proper medical and parental attention.

If your child feels unwell, please keep the following in mind:

  1. The wellbeing of your child. Without proper rest, a child may have a hard time fighting an illness or be at risk for other illnesses.
  2. The ability of your child to actively take part and learn at school.
  3. The classroom or medical room are not appropriate places for a sick child to spend the better part of the day.  While we can manage this short term (eg. while waiting for a parent to come pick up their child), school personnel are responsible for their daily teaching and work assignments and cannot care for a sick child and give them the support that they may need.
  4. The protection of other children and prevention of spreading illness to others.

Please keep your child home if they:

  • Have a fever, rash, bad cough, sore throat, very runny nose
  • Are too sick to take part in all normal school activities (this includes going outside at recess and lunch)
  • Have a suspected or known communicable disease (i.e. strep throat, chicken pox, measles).
  • Is vomiting or has diarrhea.
  • Students should be symptom free at least 24 hours before returning to school.

If your child becomes ill at school and they need to go home, please make sure you have provided the school an emergency contact (through Parent Connect) who can pick up your child if you are not available.


Allergy Reminder

Please ensure your child’s lunch does not include:




Due to very serious allergies, we ask that NO seafood/fish, onions or nuts be brought to school.   Please also keep this in mind whether it be a lunch prepared at home as well as if you are dropping off a commercially prepared lunch (eg. fast food) for your child.

If your child has a serious allergy and requires rescue medication at school, please make sure you have updated the school.    Questions?  Need more information?  Please call Ms Chahal at the office at 604-581-6185.


Ensuring Students come Dressed for the Weather

The temperatures have been dipping down to the single digits (and lower!) and we may get some snow this week!  Please expect that kids will go outside at recess and lunch, unless there is extreme weather. Ensuring students come dressed for the weather isn’t just important for playing outside.  It’s also important in case of an emergency requiring evacuation of the building.

In addition to ensuring your children come dressed for the weather, we ask that ALL students have a change of clothes at school (yes, even grade 7s).  The field can be quite slippery and muddy.  In order to avoid us having to call you (possibly at work), to bring your child a change of clothes, please ensure that your child has spare clothes at school that they can change into, just in case.   Your child’s spare clothing should be labelled with their name, in a ziplock bag, and left either in the classroom or in your child’s backpack.


Please make sure your child has proper runners for PE

Rain/Snow boots, loafers, flats, dress shoes, sandals, flip flops, slippers, crocs, etc…. aren’t safe for gym class, or for our gym floor.   Students must have runners/athletic sneakers, with non-marking soles, for PE.   “Non-marking soles” are made from a soft rubber or similar materials to provide good traction with the gym floor, and they don’t leave streaks or scuff marks behind.  


Winter Weather Procedures 2024/2025 - Delta School District

Will School be Cancelled if it Snows?

Occasionally the District has closed schools due to snow.   In this event, any district wide closure or decisions will be decided and communicated by 7 a.m. the day of.  Any announcements will be made via radio stations (CBC AM 690, CKNW AM 980, News AM 1130, Fairchild AM 1470) and via TV stations (CTV BC, CBC, City TV, Global BC).   Information will also be posted on the District website.   Please note: If it’s snowing, no announcement will be made stating that schools are open. Only closures and delayed openings will be announced. 

Please see the school district website for more detailed info on winter weather procedures.


February is Black History Month

Black History Month provides us with the opportunity to celebrate and learn about the many achievements and contributions of Black individuals and communities, despite having endured historical and continuing inequality and oppression.  BC has a rich Black history dating back to Canada’s colonial origins.  Do you know the story of John Sullivan Deas (as in “Deas Island”)?  A tinsmith by trade, John Sullivan Deas became the leading canner on the Fraser River in the 1870’s. Deas Island, where the cannery was located, bears his name.  Check out this video to learn more!



What exactly is PAC?   Check out their one-pager, here


A reminder about Recess Snack Days- there’s one this week (TCBY))

  • Proceeds from Snack Days will be administered by the PAC and go towards the purchase of school/student/classroom needs/supplies/events, etc.
  • Please send utensils with your child as these will not be provided.  Feel free to also send a drink, condiments, etc. to supplement your child(s) order.
  • If your child is absent on Snack Days, your child’s order will be automatically donated to someone else UNLESS you email your child’s teacher that you want to pick up their food. Pick up is between 1:30-2:15PM at the office on the day of (please do not come earlier).   Your child’s order will be kept in the fridge until this time

Questions???  Please send an email to pacdevongardens@gmail.com.



PAC Fundraisers ongoing throughout the year



We’ve created a new fundraising collaboration with Pedalheads! If you sign up for a swim, bike or other sport program for spring or summer, by June 30, 2025, using code DEVONG25 you get $25 off the cost. As well the PAC will receive a $25 donation each time the code is used. For more information regarding the programs available head to this link: https://pedalheads.com/en/british-columbia

Questions? Send an email to pacdevongardens@gmail.com


Return-it Express

PAC has created a school fundraising account. To participate, simply bring your containers to the depot in sealed, clear bags, and enter the registered phone number, 604-581-6185, into the Express kiosk. You will be prompted to select the number of bags you’re dropping off, the kiosk will automatically print the same number of sticker tags displaying our PACs unique Express account code. Tag each of your bags with a sticker tag and drop the bags off in the designated Express drop-off area to be counted. For a list of Return-it Express location visit https://www.return-it.ca/locations/express/

Cobs Bread Dough Raiser Program

This program enables us to raise money for our school throughout the year! Be sure to mention Devon Gardens Elementary (or code 7806) each time you make a purchase at COBS Bread Scott 72 Centre; they will donate 10% of your purchase back to our school


Online Stay Safe & Babysitting Courses

Offered through First Aid Hero. When registering use promo/coupon code “DevGardens25” and our PAC will earn $5 from each registration. For details, available course dates and online registration, please follow the link: www.FirstAidHero.com

Questions? Send an email to pacdevongardens@gmail.com






Kinder Books

Introducing the Kinder Books Loyalty Program for schools! This year-long fundraising program is designed to help schools earn credit towards purchasing books for their school library.

Here’s how it works: for every net book purchase made at Kinder Books, the school will earn 10% of the purchase amount towards a credit at our store. At the end of the fundraiser, we will notify the school of their credit amount. The school can then decide to use the credit at the beginning of the new school year or at the end of the calendar year.

The best part? This program applies to all book purchases at our store, including special orders for kids and books for adults. Plus, orders can be placed online at www.kinderbooks.ca, making it easy for grandparents or other family members who live out of town to participate. Simply mention your school’s name at checkout, and we’ll credit your school accordingly.

Online orders can be picked up at the store during business hours or shipped through Canada Post


Information from the School District


Late French Immersion (grade 6 entry)for the 2025-26 School Year

The LATE French Immersion Program (Grade 6 to Grade 12) is available at Chalmers Elementary in North Delta and Cliff Drive Elementary in South Delta.   Do you, or does someone you know, have a child currently in grade 5 who might be interested in the Late French Immersion Program staring in September?

There is an application process, with very strict deadlines.

The first step is to attend a French Immersion Parent Information Meeting.

In-Person Information Nights

Feb 10, 2025 at 6:30p.m. at Chalmers Elementary

Feb 11, 2025 at 6:30p.m. at Cliff Drive Elementary

Application deadline: February 12, 2025 at 4p.m.

Access the Online Application Page

If this doesn’t apply to your family, but you know someone else who might be interested, please pass the information along.


Digital Skills Development | Information Services Division - UCL – University College LondonIn the Community

Fun Valentine’s Day Activities at North Delta Recreation Centre

Family Valentine’s Day – Friday, February 14, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (0-5 years old) | 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (6-12 years old), North Delta Recreation Centre


YAK Pass – City of Delta

This Family Day, the City of Delta will become the first municipality in BC to offer free access to recreation facilities and programming for all local children and youth. The new YAK (Youth and Kids) Pass offers free recreation opportunities to kids 18 years and younger in Delta. To be eligible for the new pass, the applicants must be ages 0-18 and provide proof of Delta residency. Additional information can be found here.

Parent Education Opportunities


Substance Use Prevention, Part 2: Mental Health & Decision-Making Information Sessions

In partnership with adolescent clinical psychologist  Dr. Hayley Watson from Open Parachute, the ministry will host three, free virtual sessions for parents, guardians and caregivers that will focus on practical skills you can teach your child and youth (ages 0-19) to prevent substance use and mental health challenges. These sessions will build on a previous presentation, which focused on practical conversation tools for speaking about substance use prevention with your children/youth. The previous session is not a pre-requisite for this one.


Family Smart’s lineup of FREE virtual events for February to March are open for registration.

Virtual Event: Deepening Our Understanding of Emotion Regulation – Supporting our Young People with their Big Emotions

Deepening our Understanding of Emotion Regulation – Supporting our Young People with their Big Emotions.


Virtual Event: For Families: A Conversation About Eating Disorders

For Families: A Conversation About Eating Disorders

Description: Knowing how to help our kids who are experiencing an eating disorder can be a terrifying, isolating and overwhelming experience. Learn about disordered eating, what to be aware of, the importance of connection, and strategies that help support recovery. Victoria Keddis hosts a conversation with Eating Disorders Therapist & Educator Carmen Kauffman, along with a mom and daughter with lived experience.

Registration: FamilySmart – Events

Dates:  February 20th 6:30pm-8pm


Virtual Event: ADHD – The Real Deal

Description: ADHD doesn’t just affect the person with ADHD, it also affects those around them. As parents of kids living with ADHD, we can benefit from learning what ADHD is and how to support our kids. Dr. Duncan, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, dispels some myths and explains how and why the ADHD brain works the way it does.

Registration: FamilySmart – Events

Dates:  February 19th 12pm-1:30pm

              February 25th 6:30pm-8pm


Virtual Event: Explosive Behaviour in Teens: Strategies to Empower Families

Description: When our teens are showing up in explosive ways, we sometimes blame ourselves. Discover with us as a therapist explains some causes of explosive behaviour and strategies that support parents and teens. Victoria Keddis hosts a conversation with Kirk Shields-Priddy, MSW/RSW Group and Family Therapist with Fraser Health START Program.

Registration: FamilySmart – Events

Dates:  March 4th 6:30pm-8pm

             March 5th 6:30pm-8pm

              March 6th 6:30pm-8pm

              March 11th 6:30pm-8pm

    March 12th 12:00pm-1:30pm


February is Black History Month

Now – Feb 12th-  Late French Immersion (grade 6) applications for 25-26 school year available on line

Wednesday, February 12th – Recess Snack day (TCBY)

Friday, February 14th – School Spirit Day – Red & Pink

Monday, February 17th – Family Day (schools are closed)

Tuesday, Feb 18th – Grade 6 boys Basketball game @ Gibson

Thursday, February 20th –Special Lunch Day (Loz Takos)

Thursday, February 20th – Grade 7 boys Basketball game @ Gibson

Thursday, February 20th – Grade 6/7 Girls Basketball game @ DG

Friday, February 21st – Pro-D Day (no school for students)

Tuesday, February 25th – Grade 6 boys Basketball game @ DG

Wednesday, February 26th- PAC popcorn sale at recess

Thursday, February 27th – Grade 6/7 Girls Basketball game @ RI

Friday, February 28th – DG School Science Fair

Friday, February 28th – Pink Shirt Day

Other dates and events are listed on our school calendar on our website: https://dg.deltasd.bc.ca/events-calendar/