Dragon’s Breath May 7 – 11
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I have been having some tech issues with our school website. Due to that, I’ve posted this week’s Dragon’s Breath here on our old site instead. I apologise for any inconvenience.

Just a reminder that if you plan on moving over the summer, the school would like to know as soon as possible.
Also if you have information that may help us when creating our classes, please fill out the form below and return by May 17.
Parent Information Placement Letter 2018

If you have any photos of school events this year, please email them to me. I would love to use them for our slide show.
As we get closer to the end of the year, the DG PAC is looking for some more volunteers for our upcoming events.
We need parents to help canvas local businesses for donations for the raffle at Family Fun Night. This has been quite successful in the past, but we need some more feet on the ground to help make it happen.
As well, Ms Goldman in the library could use some extra hands for shelving and cataloging books. This would primarily take place on Thursdays during the day.
If you are able to help with any of these roles, please email dg.volunteers@gmail.com
If your child made it to the regional track meet, they should have received a permission slip by now. If you need another copy, click below.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, May 7 – PAC Meeting at 7pm
- Tuesday, May 8 – Regional Track Meet
- Thursday, May 10 – Back up Day for Track Meet
- Thursday, May 10 – Pottery Session B Grade 3-6
- Friday, May 11 – Popcorn Day
- Wednesday, May 16 – Div. 10 and 11 to Semiahmoo Fish Farm
- Thursday, Ma17 – District Track Meet
- Friday, May 18 – Pro D Day
- Monday, May 21 – Victoria Day
Dragon’s Breath Nov 20 – 24
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope that this sneak peek finds you at a relaxing time. Thank you for taking the time read our editions of the Dragon’s Breath.

Some of you know that in the background we have been quietly working on our new school website. We are almost there and our new school website should be going live early this week. Stay tuned, and hopefully, the new website will be more user-friendly.

Some of you also know that we are implementing a new report card format this year with this focus on communicating student learning to you. Please click below for more information about what to expect.
Communicating Student Learning Information Flyer

We are pleased to be offering the opportunity to purchase Devon Gardens Spirit Wear to our community this year. This would make great Christmas gifts for the whole family

Please complete the order form (via the link below) and return it to the office by Friday, Dec 1, 2017 along with payment. Cheques are to be made to Devon Gardens Elementary. Sample sizes to try on and extra order forms will be available by the office.

As mentioned last week, The Delta Division of Family Practice Local Action Team is offering a free community event on the important topic of anxiety.
Below is an information poster for the event.
Anxiety Workshop: with Dr McNamara

Please continue to make sure that kids come dressed appropriately for the weather. Please expect that kids will go out for recess and lunch, unless there is extreme weather. Please also be reminded that we do not have the capacity to allow kids come in before our morning bell. Students are encouraged to dress warmly and if needed, find shelter in the undercover area.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Tuesday, Nov 21 – Grade 7 Volleyball at McCloskey
- Tuesday, Nov 21 – Grade 6 Volleyball home game against Gray
- Thursday, Nov 23 – PAC Hot Lunch (TBA)
- Thursday, Nov 23 – Student Leaders at Delta Enviro Action Youth Conference
- Thursday, Nov 23 – Grade 7 Volleyball at Gray
- Friday, Nov 24 – Pro D
- Thursday, Nov 30 – Pottery at Lunch
- Thursday, Nov 30 – Grade 6 Volleyball DG home game against Gibson
Dragons Breath Nov 14 – 17

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you to all those who supported our Remembrance Day Assembly. I am very proud of all the hard work and thoughtfulness that went into preparing for that morning. I hope that during the long weekend that you not only were able to spend more family time with your kids but that you took some time to remember all those served our country.


The Delta Division of Family Practice Local Action Team is offering a free community event on the important topic of anxiety.
Below is an information poster for the event.
Anxiety Workshop: with Dr McNamara
Someome key information:
Date and Time: Wednesday, November 22, 5:00 PM (Resource Fair), 7:00 PM (Presentation)
Location: South Delta Secondary School
Presenter: Dr. Deborah McNamara
Topic: Making Sense of Anxiety in Pre-teens and Adolescents

Another reminder that as the weather gets colder and rainier, please make sure that kids come dressed appropriately for the weather. Please expect that kids will go out for recess and lunch, unless there is extreme weather. Please also be reminded that we do not have the capacity to allow kids come in before our morning bell. Students are encouraged to dress warmly and if needed, find shelter in the undercover area.

Volunteers needed
The Devon Gardens PAC is looking to build up a list of parents to help out with various activities throughout the year. This is a great opportunity to get involved with your kids’ school and meet some fellow families.
Volunteer roles include, but are not limited to, making and selling popcorn, hot lunch days, Family Fun Night, Sports Day and more. If you are willing to be contacted when opportunities arise, please fill out the form below.
Popcorn Day Lead Needed
We need a parent (or two) to help take over the coordination of popcorn sales. If you are willing and interested to learn more, contact Dianna at dg.volunteers@gmail.com. The role includes ensuring we have volunteers available for popping the corn on the Thursday before popcorn day and then scheduling volunteers on Friday sales days. There is a lots of support from the PAC, but we need someone to just take charge of this!

Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, Nov 13 – Remembrance Day Stat
- Tuesday, Nov 14 – Mme Su and Mme Brucker: Walking Field Trip to River Road
- Tuesday, Nov 14 – Grade 7 Volleyball at McCloskey
- Tuesday, Nov 14 -Grade 6 Volleyball (home game against McCloskey)
- Thursday, Nov 16 – Grade 7 Volleyball (Home game against Richardson)
- Friday, Nov 17 – PHOTO RE-TAKE DAY
- Tuesday, Nov 21 – Grade 7 Volleyball at McCloskey
- Tuesday, Nov 21 – Grade 6 Volleyball home game against Gray
- Thursday, Nov 23 – PAC Hot Lunch (TBA)
- Thursday, Nov 23 – Grade 7 Volleyball at Gray
- Friday, Nov 24 – Pro D
Dragon’s Breath Nov 6 – 10
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope that turning back time for an hour allowed you to sneak in some extra time with your kids. Thank you for taking the time to read our weekly Editions of the Dragon’s Breath.

Thank you for coming out to our Halloween parade and for making the day fun for our kids. It was great to see all the awesome smiles and costumes throughout the day!

As the weather gets colder and rainier, please make sure that kids come dressed appropriately for the weather. Please expect that kids will go out for recess and lunch, unless there is extreme weather. Please also be reminded that we do not have the capacity to allow kids come in before our morning bell. Students are encouraged to dress warmly and if needed, find shelter in the undercover area.

Volunteers needed
The Devon Gardens PAC is looking to build up a list of parents to help out with various activities throughout the year. This is a great opportunity to get involved with your kids’ school and meet some fellow families.
Volunteer roles include, but are not limited to, making and selling popcorn, hot lunch days, Family Fun Night, Sports Day and more. If you are willing to be contacted when opportunities arise, please fill out the form below.
Popcorn Day Lead Needed
We need a parent (or two) to help take over the coordination of popcorn sales. If you are willing and interested to learn more, contact Dianna at dg.volunteers@gmail.com. The role includes ensuring we have volunteers available for popping the corn on the Thursday before popcorn day and then scheduling volunteers on Friday sales days. There is a lots of support from the PAC, but we need someone to just take charge of this!
PAC Meeting – Monday, Nov 6 at 7pm in the Library
As we mentioned last week, throughout the month of November, Delta Police will be visiting our school during our pickup and drop off times to help ensure that students are arriving and leaving school safely.
Delta Police and our parents can continue to help us keep our students safe during pickup and drop off times. Please help us by doing the following.
- Use the designated parent parking lot across the street from the school
- Follow the directions of crossing guards
- Keep our school/staff parking lot clear of parent vehicles and pedestrians
- Stress to your children that they should not hang out in our parking lot
- Keep vehicles clear of Downs Road
- Encourage older students to walk to school
- If possible, walk younger students to school
- Drive slowly and cautiously
- Report traffic concerns to the office
We understand that that before and after school can be very busy. Together we can continue to work on keeping our kids as safe as possible during pick-up and drop-off times.

Please note that our Remembrance Day Assembly will be on Friday, Nov 10th at 10:45 am. This does differ from our usual 9:00am assembly time. This is, in attempt to be closer to the 11th hour to mark our moment of silence.

Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh
- Tuesday, Nov 7 – Grade 6 Volleyball (home game against Richardson)
- Thursday, Nov 9 – Grade 6 Volleyball at Gray
- Thursday, Nov 9 – Grade 7 Volleyball (Home game against Hellings)
- Friday, Nov 10 – Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:45
- Saturday, Nov 11 – Remembrance Day
- Monday, Nov 13 – Remembrance Day Stat
- Tuesday, Nov 14 – Grade 7 Volleyball at McCloskey
- Tuesday, Nov 14 -Grade 6 Volleyball (home game against McCloskey)
- Thursday, Nov 16 – Grade 7 Volleyball (Home game against Richardson)
- Friday, Nov 17 – PHOTO RE-TAKE DAY
Dragon’s Breath Oct 30 – Nov 3

Dear Parents and Guardians,
As you know Holloween is coming up on Tuesday. Our Costume Parade will be at 9:00am on Halloween. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed in their Halloween Costume. They will have a chance to be part of the parade that goes throughout the school.
Please be reminded that…
- costumes should not be too scary
- toy weapons and replica weapons should be kept at home
- if possible, try to avoid masks. If masks are unavoidable, they should be used during the parade only.
- Students will want to bring an extra set of clothes for after the parade.
- Parents are welcome to attend our parade and take pictures from our school hallways.

Volunteers needed
The Devon Gardens PAC is looking to build up a list of parents to help out with various activities throughout the year. This is a great opportunity to get involved with your kids’ school and meet some fellow families.
Volunteer roles include, but are not limited to, making and selling popcorn, hot lunch days, Family Fun Night, Sports Day and more. If you are willing to be contacted when opportunities arise, please fill out the form below.
Popcorn Day Lead Needed
We need a parent (or two) to help take over the coordination of popcorn sales. If you are willing and interested to learn more, contact Dianna at dg.volunteers@gmail.com. The role includes ensuring we have volunteers available for popping the corn on the Thursday before popcorn day and then scheduling volunteers on Friday sales days. There is a lots of support from the PAC, but we need someone to just take charge of this!

As the weather gets colder and rainier, please make sure that kids come dressed appropriately for the weather. Please expect that kids will go out for recess and lunch unless there is extreme weather. Please also be reminded that we do not have the capacity to allow kids come in before our morning bell. Students are encouraged to dress warmly and if needed, find shelter in the undercover area.

Popcorn Day in Friday, Nov 3. Students may purchase a bag of popcorn at recess for $1.00

Last week our website was down and we sent out the Dragon’s Breath in PDF form. If you missed last week’s Dragon’s Breath, please click below.
Throughout the month of November, Delta Police will be visiting our school during our pickup and drop off times to help ensure that students are arriving and leaving school safely.
Delta Police and our parents can continue to help us keep our students safe during pickup and drop off times. Please help us by doing the following.
- Use the designated parent parking lot across the street from the school
- Follow the directions of crossing guards
- Keep our school/staff parking lot clear of parent vehicles and pedestrians
- Stress to your children that they should not hang out in our parking lot
- Keep vehicles clear of Downs Road
- Encourage older students to walk to school
- If possible, walk younger students to school
- Drive slowly and cautiously
- Report traffic concerns to the office
We understand that that before and after school can be very busy. Together we can continue to work on keeping our kids as safe as possible during pick-up and drop-off times.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Tuesday, Oct 31 – Halloween Parade at 9am
- Thursday, Nov 2 – Grade 7 Volleyball at Brooke
- Friday, Nov 3 – Popcorn Day
- Friday, Nov 3 – Ko and Willcox to Planetarium
- Monday, Nov 6 – PAC Meeting at 7pm
- Tuesday, Nov 7 – Grade 6 Volleyball (home game against Richardson)
- Thursday, Nov 9 – Grade 6 Volleyball at Gray
- Thursday, Nov 9 – Grade 7 Volleyball (Home game against Hellings)
- Friday, Nov 10 – Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:45
- Saturday, Nov 11 – Remembrance Day
- Monday, Nov 13 – Remembrance Day Stat
Dragon’s Breath Oct 16 – 20

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for making our Parent-Teacher Conferences and our Book Fair a huge success. We are thankful to be working with you in order to make our school the best that we can for your child.

Halloween Costume Parade and Costume Guidelines
Our Costume Parade will be at 9:00am on Halloween. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed in their Halloween Costume. They will have a chance to be part of the parade that goes throughout the school.
Please be reminded that…
- costumes should not be too scary
- toy weapons should be kept at home
- if possible, try to avoid masks. If masks are unavoidable, they should be used during the parade only.
- Students will want to bring an extra set of clothes for after the parade.
- Parents are welcome to attend our parade and take pictures from our school hallways.

Emergency Release Drill
On Thursday, Oct 19, we will be holding an Emergency Preparedness Drill at 2:40 pm. Just like last year, this will involve a full-scale release of our students – all students will be participating. It is important that we provide an opportunity where students, staff, and parents experience the evacuation process. This drill is also designed to allow us to identify any parts of our evacuation plan that may require changes for the future. Please know that this drill will happen rain or shine.
It is important that all parents understand that students will only be dismissed from school in emergency situations to their parents or designated emergency release adult who bring photo identification. Students cannot be released to an older sibling or others who are not designated as “emergency release” parties. Students will not be allowed to leave school property until a predesignated adult retrieves them.
In order to maintain the safety of your children, there can be no exceptions. This means that parents need to regularly plan for who will be able to pick-up their child in an emergency situation and that the information needs to be reviewed and updated annually with the school. Parents should designate another trusted adult or two who will, most likely, be in the area if the need arises to release our students during school hours and you are not available. Again, this person cannot be an older sibling who is under the age of 19.
Parents need to provide information of who their Emergency Release designated adults are and they need to review this information annually. This information needs to be inputted through “Parent Connect”. This needs to be done for each child you have in the Delta School District and you need to inform each child of who his/her Emergency Release adult is. Please see the “Parent Connect” instructions posted above. If you need help with “Parent Connect”, please contact Mrs. Sim at the office.
For those parents who cannot arrange pick-up on Thursday, Oct 19th, we will dismiss students at our normal dismissal time of 3:00 pm.
On Oct 19th, after a “duck, cover and hold” procedure, students will be assembled on the grass field in the back of the school. A command center will also be found near the back of the school on the basketball court. Students need to be picked up at 2:40pm. When you arrive to pick up your child, please wait at the designated parent area. You will be directed to your child’s teacher to complete the release procedure. You must provide photo identification when picking up your child. Please note that this drill may take some time. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
This process is essential in making sure that all children are accounted for properly. Please help us remind your child that this drill is simply for practice in case we ever have an actual emergency and that there is nothing to worry about during this drill.
More information about our drill and parent connect can be found via the link below.
Our Diwali Assembly will be Thursday Oct 19 at 9:00am. If your child has South Asian attire, please encourage them to wear it on that day. A huge thank you to Mme Jassal, for organizing our assembly this year.

Once again, we have set up a new Parent Calendar for those who want to look further ahead in the school year. As information about new events come to us, we will try our best to provide that information on this calendar as well. There are links at the top of the Dragon’s Breath Site and our school website as indicated above.
The links will take you to the calendar page that looks like the picture below.

Be sure to click on the correct month and year, and CLICK ON “GO”.

We hope that you will find this new feature useful.

Our crossing guards have been working hard for the last few weeks. If your child is a crossing guard, please see the vised schedule below.
2017_2018_ Crossing Guard Schedule.docx.
Please remember that even though all our crossing guards have been trained by the Delta Police, they are as young as 10 years old and giving directions to adults may be challenging for some of them. All our crossing guards have been trained to ask students and adults to follow traffic safety rules. They will ask adults and students to cross at the designated spots and give directions if they see people doing unsafe actions such as jay-walking. It is expected that adults, students, and drivers of vehicles follow the directions of these crossing guards while they are on duty.
If you haven’t already done so, please see the video below.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, Oct 16 – Entertainment Books Due
- Wednesday, Oct 18 Div. 5 and 13 to Pumpkin Patch
- Thursday, Oct 19 – Diwali Assembly at 9:00am
- Thursday, Oct 19 – Earthquake Drill with Full Evacuation
- Friday, Oct 20 – Pro D Day
- Monday, Oct 23 – Pro D Day
- Tuesday, Oct 24 – Div. 15 & 16 to Richmond Country Farms
- Tuesday, Oct 24 – Grade 6 volleyball at Hellings after school
- Tuesday, Oct 24 – Grade 7 volleyball at Devon vs Gibson after school
- Thursday, Oct 26 – Div. 6 and 7 to Deas Island
- Thursday, Oct 26 – Grade 6 Volleyball at McCloskey
- Friday, Oct 27 – PAC Hot Lunch (White Spot)
Dragon’s Breath Oct 10 – 13

Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope that this weekend brings you plenty of family time and opportunities to hug your kids and loved ones. I hope that the extra time allows you to laugh and re-charge together. As always, I am truly thankful for the support you give us. Without you, our school would not be the wonderful place that it is.
Volunteers needed throughout the school year
As in past years the Devon Gardens PAC is looking to build up a list of parents to help out with various activities throughout the year. This is a great opportunity to get involved with your kids’ school and meet some fellow families.
Volunteer roles include, but are not limited to, making and selling popcorn, hot lunch days, Family Fun Night, Sports Day and more. If you are willing to be contacted when opportunities arise, please fill out the form below.
We are still looking for a CPF rep
Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is the national network of volunteers which values French as an integral part of Canada and which is dedicated to the promotion and creation of French second language learning opportunities for young Canadians. CPF works to enhance the quality of French educational programs (French Immersion and Core French) in our schools. CPF provides support, information, and resources for parents with children in the French Immersion or FSL/Core French programs. The Delta Chapter of CPF holds one meeting per month, which parents are invited to attend.
We gave out information about our upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences in our last edition of “Thursday News”. If you missed it you can access it by clicking the link below.
In there we also highlighted our upcoming emergency evacuation drill…
Emergency Release Drill
On Thursday, Oct 19, we will be holding an Emergency Preparedness Drill at 2:40 pm. Just like last year, this will involve a full-scale release of our students – all students will be participating. It is important that we provide an opportunity where students, staff, and parents experience the evacuation process. This drill is also designed to allow us to identify any parts of our evacuation plan that may require changes for the future. Please know that this drill will happen rain or shine.
It is important that all parents understand that students will only be dismissed from school in emergency situations to their parents or designated emergency release adult who bring photo identification. Students cannot be released to an older sibling or others who are not designated as “emergency release” parties. Students will not be allowed to leave school property until a predesignated adult retrieves them. In order to maintain the safety of your children, there can be no
exceptions. This means that parents need to regularly plan for who will be able to pick-up their child in an emergency situation and that the information needs to be reviewed and updated annually with the school. Parents should designate another trusted adult or two who will, most likely, be in the area if the need arises to release our students during school hours and you are not available. Again, this person cannot be an older sibling who is under the age of 19. Parents need
to provide information of who their Emergency Release designated adults are and they need to review this information annually. This information needs to be inputted through “Parent Connect”. This needs to be done for each child you have in the Delta School District and you need to inform each child of who his/her Emergency Release adult is. Please see the “Parent Connect” instructions posted above. If you need help with “Parent Connect”, please contact Mrs. Sim at the office.
For those parents who cannot arrange pick-up on Thursday, Oct 19th, we will dismiss students at our normal dismissal time of 3:00 pm.
On Oct 19th, after a “duck, cover and hold” procedure, students will be assembled on the grass field in the back of the school. A command center will also be found near the back of the school on the basketball court. Students need to be picked up at 2:40pm. When you arrive to pick up your child, please wait at the designated parent area. You will be directed to your child’s teacher to complete the release procedure. You must provide photo identification when picking up your child. Please note that this drill may take some time. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
This process is essential in making sure that all children are accounted for properly. Please help us remind your child that this drill is simply for practice in case we ever have an actual emergency and that there is nothing to worry about during this drill.
INDIVIDUAL PHOTO DAY is Thursday, Oct 12. Help your kids to BRING THEIR BEST SMILE.
Please continue to help us keep our students safe during pickup and drop off times. We understand that that before and after school can be very busy. Please help us by doing the following.
- Use the designated parent parking lot across the street from the school
- Follow the directions of crossing guards
- Keep our school/staff parking lot clear of parent vehicles and pedestrians
- Stress to your children that they should not hang out in our parking lot
- Keep vehicles clear of Downs Road
- Encourage older students to walk to school
- If possible, walk younger students to school
- Report traffic concerns to the office
Together we can continue to work on keeping our kids as safe as possible during pick-up and drop-off times.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchnah
- Tuesday, Oct 12 – BOOK FAIR open at lunch and from 3:00pm to 4:00pm
- Wendesday, Oct 11 – Div. 8 to Richmond Nature Park
- Wednesday, Oct 11 – Early Dismissal at 12:00pm
- Wednesday, Oct 11 – Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00pm to 3:00pm
- Wednesday, Oct 11 – BOOK FAIR open for 1:00 to 3:00pm
- Thursday, Oct 12 – Individual Photo Day (Tentative Location: Gym Stage)
- Thursday, Oct 12 – Early Dismissal at 2:00pm
- Thursday, Oct 12 – Parent Teacher Conferences 2:15pm – 7:00pm
- Thursday, Oct 12 – BOOK FAIR open 2:15pm – 7:00pm
- Friday, Oct 13 – Div 9. at Richmond Nature Park
- Friday, Oct 13 – Popcorn Day at Recess
- Wednesday, Oct 18 Div. 5 and 13 to Pumpkin Patch
- Thursday, Oct 19 – Diwali Assembly
- Thursday, Oct 19 – Earthquake Drill with Full Evacuation
- Friday, Oct 20 – Pro D Day
- Monday Oct 23 – Pro D Day
Dragon’s Breath Oct 2 – 6
Dear Parents,
Once again, thank you for helping make Devon Gardens such an amazing community! I feel truly blessed to come to work every day to spend time with such wonderful students, staff, and parents!
We raised $730 dollars for the Terry Fox Foundation. Thank you for your support and for coming out to our Terry Fox Run. I was impressed at how hard the kids ran. Terry would be proud!
Thank you to all those who participated in Orange Shirt Day. This is just another reminder that every child matters and deserve the same opportunities.
Some of you may know that we have been working very hard at showing proper hallway manners. Kids who demonstrated exceptional hallway behaviour earned a dragon ticket. We gave them a goal of earning 300 dragon tickets. I am extremely proud to say that our students 451 tickets! They definitely earned the extra recess that is scheduled for this Monday.

Thank you to our fantastic PAC for such an awesome lunch on Friday!

Parents of crossing guard students, please see the draft schedule below.
2017_2018_ Crossing Guard Schedule.docx.
I have already touched based with the crossing guards that are on duty for Monday. If there are scheduling conflicts please have your child come see me. I have given crossing guards a SUB-LIST to refer to. If you need a copy of the sub-list emailed to you, please let me know.
Please remember that even though all our crossing guards have been trained by the Delta Police, they are as young as 10 years old and giving directions to adults may be challenging for some of them. All our crossing guards have been trained to ask students and adults to follow traffic safety rules. They will ask adults and students to cross at the designated spots and give directions if they see people doing unsafe actions such as jay-walking. It is expected that adults, students, and drivers of vehicles follow the directions of these crossing guards while they are on duty.
Please see the video below.
Please continue to help us keep our students safe during pickup and drop off times. We understand that that before and after school can be very busy. Please help us by doing the following.
- Use the designated parent parking lot across the street from the school
- Follow the directions of crossing guards
- Keep our school/staff parking lot clear of parent vehicles and pedestrians
- Stress to your children that they should not hang out in our parking lot
- Keep vehicles clear of Downs Road
- Encourage older students to walk to school
- If possible, walk younger students to school
- Report traffic concerns to the office
Together we can continue to work on keeping our kids as safe as possible during pick-up and drop-off times.

We are looking for some volunteers to help us out the Book Fair.
The book fair times where we need help are :
Tuesday October 10 from 3:00-4:00pm
Wednesday October 11 from 1:00-3:30
Thursday October 12 from 2:00-7:00 (2-hour shifts)
If you can help, please contact Mrs. Goldman at jgoldman@deltasd.bc.ca

We are looking for a CPF rep
Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is the national network of volunteers which values French as an integral part of Canada and which is dedicated to the promotion and creation of French second language learning opportunities for young Canadians. CPF works to enhance the quality of French educational programs (French Immersion and Core French) in our schools. CPF provides support, information and resources for parents with children in the French Immersion or FSL/Core French programs. The Delta Chapter of CPF holds one meeting per month, which parents are invited to attend.

New parents or parents with new information should log on to Parent Connect to make sure we have up-to-date information. Please click below for further instructions.

Planners have gone home. Please note that they will be $7.00 this year. Planners are a vital organizational tool and method of communication for teachers, students and parents. Please have your child bring $7.00 as soon as possible to their teachers. Please note that typically the use of school planners start in grade one.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh
- Monday, Oct 2 – Performance Assembly (Axe Capoeira) at 9am
- Monday, Oct 2 – Extra Recess 2:00pm – 2:15
- Monday, Oct 2 – PAC Meeting at 7pm
- Tuesday, Oct 3 – Grade 6 Immunization in the AM
- Tuesday, Oct 3 – Grade 6/7 Band Rental Night at Gibson 6:00pm – 8:00pm
- Monday, Oct 9 – Thanksgiving Holiday
- BOOK FAIR – Oct 10-12
- Wednesday, Oct 11 – Early Dismissal at 12:00pm
- Wednesday, Oct 11 – Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00pm to 2:00pm
- Thursday, Oct 12 – Individual Photo Day
- Thursday, Oct 12 – Early Dismissal at 2:00pm
- Thursday, Oct 12 – Parent Teacher Conferences 2:15pm – 7:00pm
- Friday, Oct 13 – Div 9. at Richmond Nature Park
Dragon’s Breath Sept 25 – 29
Dear Parents and Guardians,

Thank you to those who were able to attend our PAC BBQ and our Open House. It was great to see so many of you that night. Thank you to our AMAZING PAC, for putting on such a great BBQ. Our school would not be the same without our wonderful parents!

We are looking for some volunteers to help us out the Book Fair.
The book fair times where we need help are :
Tuesday October 10 from 3:00-4:00pm
Wednesday October 11 from 1:00-3:30
Thursday October 12 from 2:00-7:00 (2-hour shifts)
If you can help, please contact Mrs. Goldman at jgoldman@deltasd.bc.ca

We are looking for a CPF rep
Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is the national network of volunteers which values French as an integral part of Canada and which is dedicated to the promotion and creation of French second language learning opportunities for young Canadians. CPF works to enhance the quality of French educational programs (French Immersion and Core French) in our schools. CPF provides support, information and resources for parents with children in the French Immersion or FSL/Core French programs. The Delta Chapter of CPF holds one meeting per month, which parents are invited to attend.

New parents or parents with new information should log on to Parent Connect to make sure we have up-to-date information. Please click below for further instructions.

Planners have gone home. Please note that they will be $7.00 this year. Planners are a vital organizational tool and method of communication for teachers, students and parents. Please have your child bring $7.00 as soon as possible to their teachers. Please note that typically the use of school planners start in grade one.
Our Terry Fox Run will be Friday, Sept 29 at 10:45. Please consider having your child bring in a Twoonie for Terry. Funds will be donated to the Terry Fox Foundation.

Friday, Sept 29 is also Orange Shirt Day in order to recognize and remember events that affected our indigenous community in residential schools. Students are encouraged to wear an orange shirt if they wish to participate. More information about Orange Shirt Day can be found at http://www.orangeshirtday.org/

Just a reminder that this year, we have set up a new Parent Calendar for those who want to look further ahead in the school year. As information about new events come to us, we will try our best to provide that information on this calendar as well. There are links at the top of the Dragon’s Breath Site and our school website as indicated above.
The links will take you to the calendar page that looks like the picture below.

Be sure to click on the correct month and year, and CLICK ON “GO”.

We hope that you will find this new feature useful.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Friday, Sept 29 – Orange Shirt Day
- Friday, Sept 29 – Terry Fox Run at 10:45
- Friday, Sept 29 – Subway Lunch
- Monday, Oct 2 – PAC Meeting at 7pm
- Tuesday, Oct 3 – Grade 6 Immunization in the AM
Dragon’s Breath Sept 18 – 22
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As always thank you for your support.
New parents or parents with new information should log on to Parent Connect to make sure we have up-to-date information. Please click below for further instructions.

Thank you, to our amazing PAC for popcorn day! We love popcorn day!

We had a wonderful turnout of kids who wanted to be trained for crossing guard this year. Thank you to the Delta Police for coming out and training our students. The crossing guard form can be found below for those who attended the training but still need to complete the form.
Crossing Guard Permission Letter

Planners will be going home on Monday. Please note that they will be $7.00 this year. Planners are a vital organizational tool and method of communication for teachers, students and parents. Please have your child bring $7.00 as soon as possible to their teachers. Please note that typically the use of school planners start in grade one.

Students in grade 6/7 have a leadership and service opportunity by volunteering to be a lunch monitor. Students had the opportunity to attend a training/info meeting with Ms. Tee last week. Please see below for the permission form.

From the PAC…
We are looking for volunteers to help with the Open House BBQ on Thursday.
Set up and open 4:15-5:15;
BBQ Open 4:45-5:30; 5:30-6:00;
Clean up and close 6:00-6:30
Please email Dianna at dg.volunteers@gmail.com if you are able to help out!
Our Terry Fox Run will be Friday, Sept 29 at 10:45. Please consider having your child bring in a Twoonie for Terry. Funds will be donated to the Terry Fox Foundation.

Friday, Sept 29 is also Orange Shirt Day in order to recognize and remember events that affected our indigenous community in residential schools. Students are encouraged to wear an orange shirt if they wish to participate. More information about Orange Shirt Day can be found at http://www.orangeshirtday.org/

Come join us for our PAC BBQ on Thursday from 5-6
Our Open House will be from 6-7 on the same night! Please be aware that this event is not a parent-teacher interview. Parents will have an opportunity to ask more specific questions about their child and their progress later in the year. Our goal to take an opportunity meet as many parents as possible in a less formal way.
Don’t forget, that the following day (Friday, Sept 22) is Pro D!
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh
- Tuesday, Sept 19 – Assembly at 9:00am
- Wednesday, Sept 20 – Band Rental POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
- Thursday, Sept 21 – PAC BBQ from 5-6
- Thursday, Sept 21 – Open House from 6-7
- Friday, Sept 22 – Pro D Day
- Friday, Sept 29 – Orange Shirt Day
- Friday, Sept 29 – Terry Fox Run at 10:45
- Friday, Sept 29 – PAC Subway Lunch
Dragon’s Breath Sept 11 – 15

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for your support this week as kids patiently waited to hear who their teacher would be this year. We look forward to a wonderful school year as we get to know new students welcome back familiar ones.

Come join us for our PAC Meeting, Monday, Sept 11 at 7:00pm. Find out what our PAC does for our school and how you can be even more involved in our school community.

A huge thank you to our PAC for providing coffee during the first day of school.

As we mentioned last week, we try our best to keep you up to date as possible. Some of the ways we try to do this are through the Dragon’s Breath and our magnets that we send home. This year, we have set up a new Parent Calendar for those who want to look further ahead in the school year. As information about new events come to us, we will try our best to provide that information on this calendar as well. There are links at the top of the Dragon’s Breath Site and our school website as indicated above.
The links will take you to the calendar page that looks like the picture below.

Be sure to click on the correct month and year, and CLICK ON “GO”.

We hope that you will find this new feature useful.
We will continue to try and communicate as much information to you as possible. We encourage you to keep in contact with your child’s teacher and the school whenever you have questions or curiosities.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanch

- Monday, Sept 11 – PAC meeting at 7:00pm
- Wednesday, Sept 20 – Band Rental Night at ANNIEVILLE at 6:30
- Thursday, Sept 21 – Previews go home (Tentative. Subject to change.)
- Thursday Sept 21 – Open House (More details to come)
- Friday, Sept 22 – Pro D Day
1 Response to Dragon’s Breath Sept 11 – 15
Dragon’s Breath Sept 5-8

Welcome back!
I hope you are enjoying the last bit of summer with your loved ones. We are looking forward to seeing our students again and starting off another great year at Devon Gardens.
Please see below for some news and information that help you out in the next few days.
Welcome, Baby Piper!!!
Mrs. George had her baby, girl! Both Mrs. George and her new daughter, Piper are doing amazingly well!
Mrs. George took Piper to the public library the other day and was a little disappointed that her baby was not reading yet.

A message from our new Vice Principal, Ms. Tee!!!

My name is Sandra Tee and I am very excited to be joining the wonderful learning community at École Élémentaire Devon Gardens Elementary School as the new vice principal. I will also be teaching on Wednesdays and Fridays in Ms. Lai’s classroom as well as Monday and Tuesdays with Mrs. Lin.
I am joining the Delta School District from the New Westminster School District where I have taught Kindergarten to grade 5, specializing in Montessori, as I was the pilot teacher for the Montessori program at New Westminster School District, and as a Language Support Teacher.
I am a proud resident of Delta with 2 children that attend neighbouring Delta School District schools.
I look forward to the time and opportunity to meet the students and family members of École Élémentaire Devon Gardens during the course of the school year.

Office hours this week are 8:30am – 4:00pm. *Please note that the office will be closed on Thursday, Aug 31 from 12:00pm-4:00pm

Student registration is Tuesday, Aug 29 and Wednesday, Aug 30 from 9:00am to 12:00pm.

Just in case you need them, please find the school supplies list below.
K – Gr.7 English Supply Lists 2017-18 2
K – Gr.7 French Supply Lists 2017-2018
Please click the link below the picture for First Day of School Instructions.

CLICK HERE FOR 1st Day of School Instructions
Please keep in mind that we are working hard to finalize classes and that this process may take some time. Therefore it is uncertain when students will move into their final classes with their teacher for the year. We know that students are anxious and excited to find out who their teacher will be. We ask for your patience and understanding as we work through this process, as it is of the utmost importance to make sure that class placements are done to the best of our capabilities.

Gradual Entry for Kindergarten
Every year we have a gradual entry for Kindergarten. This involves a phasing in of small groups and shortened attendance times, allowing children to adjust to a new school environment and families to develop relationships with teachers. If your child is in kindergarten please follow the Gradual Entry Schedule that you received at the end of last school year, which can also be found below.
Kindergarten Gradual Entry 2017

Please click below for our updated Parent Handbook.

Come join us for coffee on the first day of school from 8:40 to 10:00 in the gym

As always, we try our best to keep you up to date as possible. Some of the ways we try to do this are through the Dragon’s Breath and our magnets that we send home. This year, we have set up a new Parent Calendar for those who want to look further ahead in the school year. As information about new events come to us, we will try our best to provide that information on this calendar as well. There are links at the top of the Dragon’s Breath Site and our school website as indicated above.
The links will take you to the calendar page that looks like the picture below.

Be sure to click on the correct month and year, and CLICK ON “GO”.

We hope that you will find this new feature useful.
Have a great start to the school year!
Mark Douangchanh
Principal, Devon Gardens

- Tuesday, Aug 29th to Wednesday, Aug 30th – New Registrations 9:00am to 12:00pm
- Tuesday, Aug 29th – PAC welcome coffee 8:40 – 10:00am
- Monday, Sept 4 – Labour Day Holiday
- Tuesday, Sept 5 – First Day of School 8:47-12:00pm (Kindergartens please follow gradual entry schedule)
- Monday, Sept 11 – PAC meeting at 7:00pm
1 Response to Dragon’s Breath Sept 5-8
Love the calendar feature!!!
Dragon’s Breath 26 – 29

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Just wanted to take a quick moment to thank you for all your support this year. Without you, our school would not be as great as it is. A special thank to our wonderful PAC for helping us in so many countless ways.
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, June 26 – Div. 6 and 7 to Annieville Lions Park
- Monday, June 26 – Crossing Guard Thank You Lunch
- Thursday, June 29 – Last Day for Students and Report Cards go Home. Students dismissed at 10:30am
- Thursday, June 29 – Year End Slideshow
Dragon’s Breath June 19 – 23
Dear Parents,

I would like to thank you for all your help and support this week. I would especially like to thank our amazing PAC. Who did such a fabulous job with Family Fun Night (despite the Rain).
I also felt that Sports Day was a great success. Again, our PAC was a huge part in making sports day awesome. It was so wonderful to see so many parents, family and friends cheering on our kids and I was so thankful to have been able to chat with so many of you throughout the day.
Please note that our year-end assembly is this Friday, June 23. This assembly will be at 9am and we will get a chance to recognize our grade 7s. There will be a short reception for the grade 7s and their parents after the assembly. The PAC is organizing a grade 7 lunch on that day and the teachers are putting together a grade 7 dance in the afternoon.
KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS will be part of the year-end assembly. It is a tradition in many schools that our kindergarten students walk the grade 7s out as they exit the gym at the year-end assembly. Kindergarten students will be rehearsing their role this Thursday with the grade 7s. Kindergarten parents, if possible you might want to send your child a nice outfit (doesn’t have to be too fancy) for Friday’s assembly.
On the last day of school (June 29), we will present a short slide show in the gym
Once again, thank you for your support!
Mark Douangchanh

- Tuesday, June 20 – Div. 1 & 2 to Playland
- Wednesday, June 21 – Div. 9, 11 and 13 to Scottsdale Lanes
- Wednesday, June 21 – Tapestry Rental Pick Up at 3pm
- Friday, June 23 – Year End Assembly
- Thursday, June 29 – Last Day for Students, slideshow and Report Cards go Home
2 Responses to Dragon’s Breath June 19 – 23
On the last day of school (June 29), please advice what time students will be dismissed.
Thank you.
June 29th is a 10:30 am Dismissal.
Dragon’s Breath June 12 – 16
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please join us for our Family Fun Night! Below you will see a poster for this awesome night in both thumbnail and full PDF versions.

Full size poster –> FamilyFunPoster2017 2
We also sent out more info about our need for volunteers for Fun Night as well as sports day info. If you missed it, please click on the link below.

A reminder that HELMETS ARE MANDATORY for our wheels parade. Students without a helmet will not be permitted to participate in the parade.

Our Year End Assembly is often focussed on our Grade 7s. It is an assembly that allows us to recognize some of our amazing leaders. Please join us on Friday, June 23rd at 9am in the gym. Our PAC is working on planning a luncheon for our Grade 7s (more info to come soon).
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Thursday, June 15 – Band Instruments Rentals Due back
- Thursday, June 15 – Family Fun Night
- Friday, June 16 – Sports Day
- Friday, June 16 – Hot Lunch
- Sunday, June 18 – Father’s Day
- Tuesday, June 20 – Div. 1 & 2 to Playland
- Wednesday, June 21 – Div. 9, 11 and 13 to Scottsdale Lanes
- Friday, June 23 – Year End Assembly
Dragon’s Breath June 5 – 9
Dear Parents and Guardians,

Hope to see you at our PAC meeting tomorrow at 7pm in the library.
Do you have any last minute basket donations for our family fun night? Our PAC will still take them tomorrow? Please consider helping out, there is still time.
Also, we are in need parent helpers for fun night and sports day concessions. Please email devongardenspac@deltasd.bc.ca
Do you know any students that may benefit from ELL support over the summer? Please see the link below for more info.
ELL Summer School Info sign up
Our staff is finalizing some details around sports day. More info will be coming home soon.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh
- Monday, June 5 – PAC Meeting at 7pm
- Tuesday, June 6 – Band and Choir Concert at 2pm
- Friday, June 9 – Popcorn Sale at Recess
- Friday, June 9 – OWL visits Div. 3,6,9,11 and 13
- Thursday, June 15 – Band Instruments Rentals Due back
- Friday, June 16 – Sports Day
- Friday, June 16 – Hot Lunch
Dragon’s Breath May 29 – June 2
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope that by now you have received the invitation to our sharing assembly and parent appreciation reception. The assembly will start at 1pm which will then be followed by a reception. Please know that this is opened to all parents. If you have not done so, please make sure you RSVP at the office with Mrs. Sim.
Many of you by now have heard that our very own Mrs. George will be starting maternity leave over the summer. We are happy that Mrs. George is about to enter a very exciting part of her life. We will miss her greatly but wish her all the best in her first year of motherhood.
We would like to welcome Mrs. Sandra Tee who will be our new Vice-Principal next year. Mrs. Tee comes to us from New Westminster, where she took on many leadership roles in the areas of Professional Development and Montessori Education.
A reminder that Pyjama and Read in the dark day is coming up on Friday. Students may wear Pyjamas to school. They are encouraged to bring a flashlight from home. Please note that some students may want to bring a change of clothes in case they don’t want to be in PJs all day.
Please see the upcoming events below.
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, May 29 – Pottery at lunch
- Tuesday, May 30 – Div. 14 and 16 to George Mackie Library
- Wednesday, May 31 – Sharing assembly at 1:00 pm, followed by Parent Appreciation Reception
- Friday, June 2 – Pyjama and read in the dark day
- Monday, June 5 – PAC Meeting
- Tuesday, June 6 – Band and Choir Concert at 2pm
- Wednesday, June 7 – Class Composition at 2pm
- Friday, June 9 – Popcorn Sale at Recess
- Friday, June 9 – OWL visits Div. 3,6,9,11 and 13
2 Responses to Dragon’s Breath May 29 – June 2
Will there be an evening option for the band and choir concert?
Sorry Luke. This year, there will only be a daytime concert.
Dragons Breath May 23 – May 26
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you are enjoying your long weekend. Here are some upcoming events to think about.
Students are encouraged (not mandatory) to wear any Jersey they may have. This can be from a team that they participated in or their favourite team that they watch.
Please bring your best smiles, since we will take our school group photo as well as the grade 7 group photo.
On Friday, June 2 I will schedule times where classes will come into the Gym and read with flashlights. Students are encouraged to wear Pyjamas to school and bring a flashlight on that day. Some students may want to consider bringing a change of clothes of they are not confident that they will feel comfortable in Pyjamas all day long.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Wednesday, May 24 – Jersey Day
- Thursday, May 25 – Victoria Band Performance at 10:45
- Thursday, May 25 – Pottery at lunch
- Thursday, May 25 – Panorama and Grade 7 Photo in the afternoon
- Friday, May 26 – Hot Lunch
- Friday, May 26 – Science Stretch
- Monday, May 29 – Pottery at lunch
- Tuesday, May 30 – Div. 14 and 16 to George Mackie Library
- Wednesday, May 31 – Sharing assembly at 1:00 pm, followed by Parent Appreciation Reception
- Friday, June 2 – Pyjama and read in the dark day
Dragon’s Breath May 15 -19
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Happy Mother’s Day to everyone celebrating today. This edition of the Dragon’s Breath will be very short in hopes that you will spend more time celebrating with all the moms in your lives.
As you know, our track meet was cut short due to weather. We are still waiting to hear more information about the district track meet and how students will be selected. We will let you know as soon as we hear.
Parent Info for Class Placement
Once again, if you have information that may help us during class placements, please see the form and guidelines below.
Parent Request Placement Letter 2017
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, May 15 – Div 6 & 7 Green Bricks
- Tuesday, May 16 – Div 1 & 2 to Greg Le Rock
- Wednesday, May 17 – Grade 6 Immunization Shots
- Wednesday, May 17 – Starting with Stories at 2pm
- Thursday, May 18 – District Track Meet
- Friday, May 19 – Pro D Day
- Monday, May 22 – Victoria Day
- Thursday, May 25 – Highschool Band Performance at 10:45
- Thursday, May 25 – Pottery at lunch
- Thursday, May 25 – School Panorama and Grade 7 Photo in the afternoon
- Friday, May 26 – Hot Lunch
- Friday, May 26 – Science Stretch
Dragon’s Breath May 8 – 12
Dear Parents,
Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s edition of the Dragon’s Breath.

Teachers and staff have put the finishing touches on track and field placements. Students should be finding out their events and receiving permission forms early this week. Please know that the staff has worked extremely hard to make sure that students have at least one event. Unfortunately, it is very hard to allow students to participate in all the events due to limited space.
Tuesday is elections day. Our school is a voting station. We expect that there will be higher traffic than normal at our school due to people who are voting. Please be extra patient that day, and take extra time and care during drop off and pick up.

Once again, the deadline for parent input for class placement is coming up. Please see the form below.
Parent Request Placement Letter 2017
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, May 8 – PBIS Assembly at 9:00 am
- Monday, May 8 – Pottery at lunch
- Tuesday, May 9 – Provincial Election Day (GYM IN USE FOR VOTING POLLS)
- Tuesday, May 9 – Div. 6 to Museum of Anthropology
- Wednesday, May 10 – Div. 4 and 5 Entrepreneur Fair
- Wednesday, May 10 – Starting with Stories
- Thursday, May 11 – Regional Track Meet
- Thursday, May 11 – Div 8 and 10 to Museum of Anthropology
- Thursday, May 11 – Div. 16 and 14 Kindergarten Mother’s Day
- Thursday, May 11 – Div. 10 to Burns Bog
- Friday, May 12 – Alternate Track Meet Day (in case of weather)
- Friday, May 12 – Popcorn sale at recess
- Friday, May 12 – Write Stretch
- Monday, May 15 – Div 6 & 7 Green Bricks
- Tuesday, May 16 – Div 1 & 2 to Greg Le Rock
- Wednesday, May 17 – Grade 6 Immunization Shots
- Wednesday, May 17 – Tentative Team Meeting
- Wednesday, May 17 – Starting with Stories at 2pm
- Thursday, May 18 – District Track Meet
- Friday, May 19 – Pro D Day
6 Responses to Dragon’s Breath May 8 – 12
Hi Mr. D.,
May 9 is voting day, will the students be kept indoors as there will be strangers around the school grounds?
I can volunteer to help watch the perimeter of the upper field during the recess and lunch time if need be.Please confirm the time that parents could attend the Young Entrepreneurs Fair on Wednesday.
I was also wondering if the last Thursday pottery class was this week or the next one.
Thanks again for keeping the DG Community informed.
Best regards,
Hi Roshael,
Voters will only be in the gym and nowhere else in the school. Students will still have a regular recess and lunch. Thank you for the offer but we will have sufficient supervision.
Parents are welcome at the Entrepreneur Fair. Please keep in mind that the Fair will not be open during recess (10:30 to 10:45).
The last pottery class for your daughter’s group is May 25th.
Hope that helps!
Are you aware of the date and time for the grade 7 ceremony?
Friday, June 23 at 9:00am
Hi Mr. Douangchanh,
I Would like to order the year book. I check the school website and couldn’t find the link to order it. Can you please advise. Thank you.
Hi Lilly,
It’s through the same site as we use to order hot lunches. I hope that helps.
Dragon’s Breath May 1 – 5
Dear Parents,
I hope you have managed to sneak in some sun this weekend.

PHOTO DAY IS MONDAY! Please bring your best smiles!

Our grade 6s and 7s had a great time at camp and I would like to thank our staff who went with them.

Shot Put – Tuesdays at lunch
Long Jump – Mon & Wed 8:00 am
Distance Running – Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri 8:00 am
Sprints (100m 200m 300m) – Mon 3:15 – 4:00 & Thurs Lunch
Relays (4 x 100, Medley) – Mon lunch, Wed lunch

Come out to our next PAC Meeting on Monday at 7pm in the Library.

Please see the information below regarding class placement.
Parent Request Placement Letter 2017

- Monday, May 1 – Class Photos
- Monday, May 1 – Pottery at Lunch
- Monday, May 1 – Knitting Club at Lunch
- Monday, May 1 – PAC Meeting at 7:00 pm
- Tuesday, May 2 – Neufeld Farm Orders Delivered
- Wednesday, May 3 – Starting with Stories at 2 pm
- Thursday, May 4 – Div 14 and 16 Busy Town at 9:00 am
- Thursday, May 4 – Pottery Class at Lunch
- Thursday, May 4 – Heritage Fair
- Monday, May 8 – PBIS Assembly at 9:00 am
- Monday, May 8 – Knitting Club at Lunch
- Monday, May 8 – OWL visits Div. 7, 8, 10, 14 and 16
- Monday, May 8 – Pottery at lunch
- Tuesday, May 9 – Provincial Election Day (GYM IN USE FOR VOTING POLLS)
- Tuesday, May 9 – Div. 6 to Museum of Anthropology
- Tuesday, May 9 – OWL visits Div. 3, 6, 9, 11, and 13
- Wednesday, May 10 – Div. 4 and 5 Entrepreneur Fair
- Wednesday, May 10 – Starting with Stories
- Thursday, May 11 – Regional Track Meet
- Thursday, May 11 – Div 8 and 10 to Museum of Anthropology
- Thursday, May 11 – Div. 16 and 14 Kindergarten Mother’s Day
- Thursday, May 11 – Div. 10 to Burns Bog
- Friday, May 12 – Alternate Track Meet Day (in case of weather)
- Friday, May 12 – Pyjama and Read in the dark day
- Friday, May 12 – Popcorn sale at recess
- Friday, May 12 – Write Stretch
Dragon’s Breath April 24 – 28
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you as always for your support during track and field. Some of you have been asking for a master track schedule. I am just waiting on some information from coaches and a master schedule should be sent out shortly.


Thank you to our PAC and M & M Meats for our burgers on Friday. A special thank you to Kathleen Trites for entering our school in the M & M Contest.

In anticipation of sunnier weather, we ask that you remind your child to wear proper footwear to school. Sandals and Flip Flops leave kids more prone to injury and should be left at home.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, April 24 – Knitting Club at lunch
- Monday, April 24 – Pottery Club at lunch
- Tuesday, April 25 – Div 14 & 16 to North Delta Fire and Safety Building
- Wednesday, April 26 to Friday, April 28 – Camp Jubilee
- Wednesday, April 26 – Math Stretch
- Thursday, April 27 – Pottery Class at Lunch
- Friday, April 28 – Hot Lunch (White Spot)
- Friday, April 28 – Write Stretch
- Monday, May 1 – Class Photos
- Monday, May 1 – Pottery at Lunch
- Monday, May 1 – Knitting Club at Lunch
- Tuesday, May 2 – Neufeld Farm Orders Delivered
- Wednesday, May 3 – Tentative Team Meeting
- Wednesday, May 3 – Starting with Stories at 2pm
- Thursday, May 4 – PBIS ASSEMBLY at 9am
- Thursday, May 4 – Pottery Class at Lunch
Dragon’s Breath April 17 -21
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope that the Easter Bunny has treated you well. The Easter Bunny came to our house but forgot to leave anything for me. My kids tell me that it’s because I did not put out a basket. It’s hard to argue with that logic, so I will remember that for next year. I also hope that you had a chance to spend some with your family.
Please see below for the upcoming events.
Mark Douangchanh

- Wednesday, April 19 – Math Celebration at Richardson
- Thursday, April 20 – Neufeld Farms Order Due
- Thursday, April 20 – Div. 7 to LSCR
- Thursday, April 20 – Pottery at Lunch
- Friday, April 21 – M & M Lunch
- Friday, April 21 – Science Stretch
- Monday, April 24 – Knitting Club at lunch
- Monday, April 24 – Pottery Club at lunch
- Tuesday, April 25 – Div 14 & 16 to North Delta Fire and Safety Building
- Wednesday, April 26 to Friday, April 28 – Camp Jubilee
- Wednesday, April 26 – Math Stretch
- Thursday, April 27 – Pottery Class at Lunch
- Friday, April 28 – Hot Lunch (White Spot)
- Friday, April 28 – Write Stretch
2 Responses to Dragon’s Breath April 17 -21
When is Devon Gardens participating in the track meet this year?
Our regional Track Meet is May 11.
Dragon’s Breath April 10 – 13
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We have been lucky enough to win a burger lunch from our local M & M store on April 21. The prize is good for 250 burgers. Obviously, we have more than 250 kids so our awesome PAC is buying a burger for the other students.
Teachers will survey their class to see who needs a veggie burger.
Please let your children know on the 21st, that they will need to bring a snack for recess and any other sides and drinks that they would normally bring for lunch.
Online ordering for Spring 2017 hot lunches is NOW OPEN, and will be open until midnight, Thursday, April 20th.
Please order for all 3 hot lunches at once.
The PAC will be holding a Neufeld Farms fundraiser, running to Thursday, April 20th. Order forms will be going home next week, one per family. Thank-you for supporting the DG PAC by purchasing frozen foods and cookies.
The top 3 sellers of Neufeld products will each receive a $25 Tim Horton’s gift card …. bring those orders in!!

Track and Field is under way. Grades 4s and 5s will have practice during the school day in order to expose them to as many events as possible. Grade 6s and 7s will attend morning, lunch time and after school practices. Schedules are being finalized. Students should listen to announcements for information.
Term previews will be going home on Thursday this week.

A reminder that I would love to have any photos that you might have taken during school events. We are collecting for our slideshow at the end of the year. Please email photos to me at mdouangchanh@deltasd.bc.ca
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, April 10 – Knitting Club at Lunch
- Monday, April 10 – Pottery Club at Lunch
- Wednesday, April 12 – Reading Link Challenge
- Thursday, April 13 – Previews go home
- Thursday, April 13 – Pottery at lunch
- Friday, April 14 – Good Friday Holiday
- Monday, April 17 – Easter Monday Holiday
- Wednesday, April 19 – Math Celebration at Richardson
- Thursday, April 20 – Neufeld Farms Order Due
- Thursday, April 20 – Div. 7 to LSCR
- Thursday, April 20 – Pottery at Lunch
- Friday, April 21 – M & M Lunch
- Friday, April 21 – Science Stretch
Dragon’s Breath April 3 – 7
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Last Thursday, Easter Bunny Chocolates and Fundraiser information went home with students who are the oldest in their family. If, for some reason, your child did not come home with the fundraiser information and you would like to participate, please contact your child’s teacher. I have also attached an e-version of the notice below.
Online ordering for Spring 2017 hot lunches is NOW OPEN, and will be open until midnight, Thursday, April 20th.
Please order for all 3 hot lunches at once.
The PAC will be holding a Neufeld Farms fundraiser, running Thursday, April 6th to Thursday, April 20th. Order forms will be going home next week, one per family. Thank-you for supporting the DG PAC by purchasing frozen foods and cookies.
The top 3 sellers of Neufeld products will each receive a $25 Tim Horton’s gift card …. bring those orders in!!
Popcorn Sale on Friday, April 7th … bring your loonie!
As always, we appreciate your support and your help in raising funds for our school.
Just a reminder that I would love to have any photos that you might have taken during school events. We are collecting for our slideshow at the end of the year. Please email photos to me at mdouangchanh@deltasd.bc.ca
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, April 3 – Knitting Club at lunch
- Monday, April 3 – Pottery Class at lunch
- Monday, April 3 – PAC meeting at 7pm
- Wednesday, April 5 – Mathstretch
- Thursday, April 6 – Tribal Dance Performance at 9:15
- Thursday, April 6 – Pottery Class at lunch
- Thursday, April 6 – Delview Parent info Night (6:30 at Delview)
- Friday, April 7 – Popcorn Sale at Recess
- Friday, April 7 – WriteStretch
- Monday, April 10 – Knitting Club at Lunch
- Monday, April 10 – Pottery Club at Lunch
- Thursday, April 13 – Previews go home
- Thursday, April 13 – Pottery at lunch
- Friday, April 14 – Good Friday Holiday
- Monday, April 17 – Easter Monday
Dragon’s Breath March 27 – 31

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome back! I hope that you were able to find some family time during spring break.

A very big thank you to our wonderful PAC. Due to their efforts, five classes received some much-needed audio/visual equipment and carts. It truly felt like Christmas for these teachers, who up until now had to borrow from other classes.

Just a reminder that I would love to have any photos that you might have taken during school events. We are collecting for our slideshow at the end of the year. Please email photos to me at mdouangchanh@deltasd.bc.ca
I look forward to catching up and hearing about all the spring break adventures.
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, March 27 – SCHOOL RE-OPENS
- Monday, March 27 – Knitting Club at lunch
- Thursday, March 30 – Pottery at lunch
- Friday, March 31 – Science Stretch
- Monday, April 3 – Knitting Club at lunch
- Monday, April 3 – Pottery Class at lunch
- Monday, April 3 – PAC meeting at 7pm
- Wednesday, April 5 – Mathstretch
- Thursday, April 6 – Tribal Dance Performance at 9:15
- Thursday, April 6 – Pottery Class at lunch
- Thursday, April 6 – Delview Parent info Night (6:30 at Delview)
- Friday, April 7 – Popcorn Sale at Recess
- Friday, April 7 – WriteStretch
Dragon’s Breath March 6 -10
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As I write this week’s Edition of the Dragon’s Breath, I am amazed at our lengthy winter. Please make sure your child comes dressed appropriately for the weather.

The Corporation of Delta has also informed us that they will be doing some watermain flushing on Monday and Tuesday. There is a chance that the water in our school may be slightly discolored during these two days. We are told that despite any discoloration, the water is still safe to drink. If your child notices discoloration, they are to simply run the water and the discoloration will fade. If you are worried about the discoloration, please send your child with bottled water from home for the next two days.

Please come and join us, Monday at 7pm.

Report Cards go home on Thursday

Starts on March 11. School re-opens March 27.

Do you have photos of any school events? We would love to collect them for our year end slide show. Please email them to me at mdouangchanh@deltasd.bc.ca
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, March 6 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Monday, March 6 – Knitting Club at Lunch
- Monday, March 6 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball at Lunch
- Monday, March 6 – PAC Meeting 7pm in the library
- Tuesday, March 7 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Tuesday, March 7 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, March 7 – Grade 6 boys basketball: Devon Gardens at Gray
- Tuesday, March 7 – Grade 7 boys basketball: McCloskey at Devon Gardens
- Thursday, March 9 – Report Cards Go Home
- Thursday, March 9 – Pottery at lunch
- Thursday, March 9 – Hoop Shoot 3:45 at Seaquam
- Friday, March 10 – Hot Lunch (Fresh Slice)
Dragon’s Breath Feb 27 – March 3
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you to all those who took part in Science Fair and Pink Shirt Day. I huge thank you to you for all your support and to Mrs. Willcox for her hard work and expertise.

Basketball season is almost at an end. I would like to thank our parent coaches, Mrs. Methven and Mrs. Schwanbeck for their time, knowledge and hard work. Our kids benefited so much from your expertise!

Our wonderful PAC has fixed our popcorn machine! I know that many students will be very happy.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh
- Monday, February 27 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Monday, February 27 – Knitting Club at Lunch
- Monday, February 27 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball at Lunch
- Tuesday, February 28 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Tuesday, February 28 – Grae 6 Boys Basketball: Devon Gardens at McCloskey
- Tuesday, February 28 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, February 28 – Grade 7 Burnsview Visit
- Tuesday, February 28 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball: Annieville at Devon Gardens
- Wednesday, March 1 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Wednesday, March 1 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, March 2 – Pottery Class at Lunch
- Thursday, March 2 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, March 2 – Art Stretch
- Thursday, March 2 – District Science Fair after school
- Thursday, March 2 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball: Richardson at Devon Gardens
- Thursday, March 2 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball: Devon Gardens at Gibson
- Friday, March 3 – Ready, Set, Learn (for 3-5 year-olds at McCloskey)
- Friday, March 3 – Popcorn Sale at Recess (Machine has been fixed)
- Friday, March 3 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Friday, March 3 – Write Stretch
- Friday, March 3 – Late French Immersion Application Due Date
- Monday, March 6 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Monday, March 6 – Knitting Club at Lunch
- Monday, March 6 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball at Lunch
- Monday, March 6 – PAC Meeting
- Tuesday, March 7 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Tuesday, March 7 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, March 7 – Grade 6 boys basketball: Devon Gardens at Gray
- Tuesday, March 7 – Grade 7 boys basketball: McCloskey at Devon Gardens
- Thursday, March 9 – Report Cards Go Home
- Thursday, March 9 – Pottery at lunch
- Thursday, March 9 – Hoop Shoot 3:45 at Seaquam
- Friday, March 10 – Hot Lunch (Fresh Slice)
Dragon’s Breath Feb 20 – 24
Dear Parent and Guardians,
As always, thank you for taking the time to read the Dragon’s Breath. I hope that it keeps you informed about the many things that are happening at Devon Gardens.

Many of our students have been working hard with their Science Fair Projects. Science Fair is on February 22 and it is open to Parents and Family from 9:25 – 10:25 and again from 10:50 until 11:50.

A reminder that Feb 22 is Pink Shirt Day. Please know that we have decided as a staff to make Pink Shirt Day informal. Students may wear pink to school that day if they wish but should not feel that they have to. Parents should not feel that they need to go out of their way to find a pink shirt for their child. This informal approach is an attempt to also recognize that we work hard to promote kindness every day at school and that treating others with kindness, love, and respect is not just limited to one day a year. Having said that, I am planning on wearing a pink shirt on Feb 22 and I look forward to seeing all the students, staff and parents who plan on joining me.

Our next Pro D day is Feb 24th. The staff will be working but please don’t send your children to school.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, February 20 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Monday, February 20 – Knitting Club at Lunch
- Monday, February 20 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at lunch
- Tuesday, February 21 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Tuesday, February 21 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, February 21 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball: Richardson at Devon Gardens
- Tuesday, February 21 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball: Devon Gardens at Brooke
- Tuesday, February 22 – Pink Shirt Day (Informal. Kids can participate if they wish)
- Wednesday, February 22 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am (possibly postponed for science fair)
- Wednesday, February 22 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at lunch (possibly postponed for science fair)
- Wednesday, February 22 – Devon Gardens Science Fair (Parents and Family welcome from 9:25 – 10:25 and again at 10:50 – 11:50)
- Thursday, February 23 – PAC Special Lunch
- Thursday, February 23 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, February 23 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball: Devon Gardens at Hellings
- Thursday, February 23 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball: Hellings at Devon Gardens
- Friday, February 24 – Pro D Day
- Friday, February 24 – Application Deadline for LATE FRENCH IMMERSION
- Friday, February 24 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Monday, February 27 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Monday, February 27 – Knitting Club at Lunch
- Monday, February 27 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball at Lunch
- Tuesday, February 28 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Tuesday, February 28 – Grae 6 Boys Basketball: Devon Gardens at McCloskey
- Tuesday, February 28 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, February 28 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball: Annieville at Devon Gardens
- Wednesday, March 1 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Wednesday, March 1 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, March 2 – Pottery Class at Lunch
- Thursday, March 2 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, March 2 – Art Stretch
- Thursday, March 2 – District Science Fair after school
- Thursday, March 2 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball: Richardson at Devon Gardens
- Thursday, March 2 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball: Devon Gardens at Gibson
- Friday, March 3 – Ready, Set, Learn (for 3-5 year-olds at McCloskey)
- Friday, March 3 – Popcorn Sale at Recess (if machine has been repaired)
- Friday, March 3 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Friday, March 3 – Write Stretch
- Friday, March 3 – Late French Immersion Application Due Date
Dragon’s Breath Feb 13 – 17

Dear Parents and Guardians,
In the spirit of Family Day Weekend, this edition of the Dragon’s Breath will be very short so that I can spend as much time as possible with my family. I hope that you will be able to spend some quality time with your family as well this weekend.
I want to thank you for all your patience and support during last week’s weather and for coming out to our student leds. I am truly thankful to be part of this school community.
Please see the upcoming events below. You will see that Feb 22 is Pink Shirt Day. Please know that we have decided as a staff to make Pink Shirt Day informal. Students may wear pink to school that day if they wish but should not feel that they have to. Parents should not feel that they need to go out of their way to find a pink shirt for their child.This informal approach is an attempt to also recognize that we work hard to promote kindness every day at school and that treating others with kindness, love, and respect is not just limited to one day a year.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, February 13 – FAMILY DAY HOLIDAY
- Tuesday, February 14 – Valentines Day
- Tuesday, February 14 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Tuesday, February 14 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, February 14 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Game: Devon Gardens at Hellings
- Tuesday, February 14 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball: Richardson at Devon Gardens
- Wednesday, February 15 – RED AND WHITE DAY (students are encouraged to wear red and white to school)
- Wednesday, February 15 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Wednesday, February 15 – Kindergarten Registration
- Wednesday, February 15 – Math Stretch
- Wednesday, February 15 – Late French Immersion Info Meeting, 6:30 at Chalmers
- Thursday, February 16 – Pottery at Lunch
- Thursday, February 16 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball: Devon Gardens at McCloskey
- Thursday, February 16 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball: McCloskey at Devon Gardens
- Friday, February 17 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at lunch
- Friday, February 17 – Science Stretch
- Monday, February 20 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at 8:00am
- Monday, February 20 – Knitting Club at Lunch
- Monday, February 20 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at lunch
- Tuesday, February 21 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Tuesday, February 21 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, February 21 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball: Richardson at Devon Gardens
- Tuesday, February 21 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball: Devon Gardens at Brooke
- Tuesday, February 22 – Pink Shirt Day (Students may wear pink to school if they wish)
- Wednesday, February 22 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am (possibly postponed for science fair)
- Wednesday, February 22 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at lunch (possibly postponed for science fair)
- Wednesday, February 22 – Devon Gardens Science Fair
- Thursday, February 23 – PAC Special Lunch
- Thursday, February 23 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, February 23 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball: Devon Gardens at Hellings
- Thursday, February 23 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball: Hellings at Devon Gardens
- Friday, February 24 – Pro D Day
- Friday, February 24 – Application Deadline for LATE FRENCH IMMERSION
- Friday, February 24 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
Dragon’s Breath Feb 13 – 17
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As I write this, I am looking at nearly a foot of snow outside my house. Once again please assume that school is on unless you hear otherwise on the news or directly from the school district or myself.
Please make sure that kids come dressed for the weather. As always, we will do our best with our winter conditions. I want to thank you for your patience and understanding during this winter.
The Delta School District is looking towards reviving the Burnsview Secondary Hockey Skills Academy. For more information regarding this program- you are invited to attend an important information session at Burnsview Secondary on Monday, Feb. 6th at 7PM in the library.
We hope to see you at our PAC meeting this Monday at 7pm.
Please make sure you sign up for Student Led Conferences via Parent Connect by Feb 7. Just a reminder that this is not a Parent Teacher Interview. This is a time when your child will be able to show you pieces of work that they are proud and tell you about their learning.
Instructions for Parent Connect are below.
Parent Instructions Online Conf
Do you have photos of any school events? We would love to collect them for our year end slide show. Please email them to me at mdouangchanh@deltasd.bc.ca
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh
- Monday, February 6 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Monday, February 6 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at lunch
- Monday, February 6 – Knitting Club at lunch
- Monday, February 6 – PAC Meeting at 7pm
- Tuesday, February 7 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Tuesday, February 7 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, February 7 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball: Gray at Devon Gardens
- Tuesday, February 7 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball: Devon Gardens at Hellings
- Wednesday, February 8 – Student Led Conference (12:10 Dismissal)
- Wednesday, February 8 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Wednesday, February 8 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Wednesday, February 8 – Late French Immersion Parent Info Meeting at Chalmers at 6:30 pm
- Thursday, February 9 – Student Led Conferences (2:00 pm dismissal)
- Thursday, February 9 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, February 8 – Art Stretch
- Friday, February 10 – Popcorn Sale at Recess
- Friday, February 10 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Monday, February 13 – FAMILY DAY HOLIDAY
- Tuesday, February 14 – Valentines Day
- Tuesday, February 14 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Tuesday, February 14 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, February 14 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Game: Devon Gardens at Hellings
- Tuesday, February 14 – Richardson at Devon Gardens
- Wednesday, February 15 – RED AND WHITE DAY (students are encouraged to wear red and white to school)
- Wednesday, February 15 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Wednesday, February 15 – Kindergarten Registration
- Wednesday, February 15 – Math Stretch
- Wednesday, February 15 – Tentative Team Meeting
- Thursday, February 16 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball: Devon Gardens at McCloskey
- Thursday, February 16 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball: McCloskey at Devon Gardens
- Friday, February 17 – Deadline for Late French Immersion Applications
- Friday, February 17 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at lunch
- Friday, February 17 – Science Stretch
Dragon’s Breath Jan 30 – Feb 3
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s edition of the Dragon’s Breath.
Notes from the PAC
Happy New Year from the Devon Gardens’ PAC. We had a very busy fall with PAC fundraisers and want to take a moment to thank all those that participated. Once again our Art Cards fundraiser was very successful raising nearly $1200 for our school. Our 50/50 raffle brought in just under $600 as well. These funds have helped to continue the funding of new books for our library as well as some much needed technology improvements in our Learning Assistance rooms.
If you would like to be informed when new volunteer opportunities come up, please take a moment to fill out the form here: https://goo.gl/forms/NydMBFsXGf26klgB3
We will soon be looking for a few volunteers to help out with processing new books for the library on Thursday or Friday afternoons. If you are interested, please fill out the form above.
Some of our new books
As you may know, DPAC and the DSD are hosting a free event for students and parents this February:
How to Get Better Grades in School – Learning to Study with Your Brain in Mind with Terry Small
- February 8th at Delview Secondary.
- https://terry_small_delview.eventbrite.ca
The event is almost sold out at Delview and may be of interest to any grade 6-12 parents and/or students.
Thank you for all the parents who came to our Camp Jubilee Meeting. I you were not able to come please download the information package below.
If you missed Thursday News please see the link below.

A reminder that Parent Connect will be open so you can make appointments starting on Monday Jan 30th. The system will be open until Feb 7. Please see the instructions below.
Parent Instructions Online Conf
Thank you to the DG Prayer Group for your thoughts, prayers and yummy treats. All really appreciate it.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh
- Monday, January 30th – Pro D Day
- Tuesday, January 31 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Tuesday, January 31 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, January 31 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, January 31 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Game: Devon Gardens at Gibson
- Wednesday, February 1 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Wednesday, February 1 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, February 2 – JUMP ROPE FOR HEART
- Thursday, February 2 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, February 2 – Pottery at Lunch
- Thursday, February 2 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Game: Hellings at Devon Gardens
- Thursday, February 2 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Game: Devon Gardens at Gray
- Thursday, February 2 – Burnsview Course Info Night at 6:30 pm
- Friday, February 3 – Early French Immersion Application Deadline
- Friday, February 3 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Friday, February 3 – Write Stretch
- Monday, February 6 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Monday, February 6 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at lunch
- Monday, February 6 – Knitting Club at lunch
- Monday, February 6 – PAC Meeting at 7:00 pm
- Tuesday, February 7 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Tuesday, February 7 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, February 7 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball: Gray at Devon Gardens
- Tuesday, February 7 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball: Devon Gardens at Hellings
- Wednesday, February 8 – Student Led Conference (12:10 Dismissal)
- Wednesday, February 8 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00 am
- Wednesday, February 8 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Wednesday, February 8 – Late French Immersion Parent Info Meeting at Chalmers at 6:30 pm
- Thursday, February 9 – Student Led Conferences (2:00 pm dismissal)
- Thursday, February 9 – Pottery at Lunch
- Thursday, February 9 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, February 9 – Art Stretch
- Friday, February 10 – Popcorn Sale at Recess
- Friday, February 10 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
Dragon’s Breath Jan 23 – 27
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you are having a great weekend.
I am happy to say that basketball is well underway. Please see the schedule of games and practice schedule below.
Final North Basketball Schedule 2017
I have included the grade 7 girls permission slip below. Permission slips for other teams will be provided by the other coaches.
DGBasketball Gr 7 Permission 17
As you know, we are once again offering pottery in the winter. If you are interested please click below for more information.
Please note the Camp Jubilee info meeting coming up (in our library) as well as the info nights coming up for Early French Immersion and Grade 8 Course Info at Burnsview.
Lastly, I would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during our cold conditions. Here’s hoping that things will continue to warm up for us.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, January 23rd – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at 8:00am
- Monday, January 23rd – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Monday, January 23rd – Knitting Club at lunch
- Monday, January 23rd & Wednesday, January 25th – Early French Immersion info Meeting (for parents considering French Immersion for students entering Kindergarten). 6:30 at Burnsview
- Tuesday, January 24th – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00am
- Tuesday, January 24th – Kindergarten Vision and Hearing Screening
- Tuesday, January 24th – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Wednesday, January 25th – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00am
- Wednesday, January 25th – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, January 26th – Art Stretch
- Thursday, January 26th – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, January 26th – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Game: Devon Gardens at Gray
- Thursday, January 26th – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Game: Annieville at Devon Gardens
- Thursday, January 26th – Camp Jubilee Parent Info Meeting, 6:30 in the library
- Friday, January 27th – Special Lunch (Taco Del Mar)
- Friday, January 27th – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Monday, January 30th – Pro D Day
- Tuesday, January 31 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00am
- Tuesday, January 31 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, January 31 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Tuesday, January 31 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Game: Devon Gardens at Gibson
- Wednesday, February 1 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Practice at 8:00am
- Wednesday, February 1 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, February 2 – JUMP ROPE FOR HEART
- Thursday, February 2 – Grade 7 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Thursday, February 2 – Grade 6 Girls Basketball Game: Hellings at Devon Gardens
- Thursday, February 2 – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Game: Devon Gardens at Gray
- Thursday, February 2 – Burnsview Course Info Night at 6:30pm at Burnsview
- Friday, February 3 – Early French Immersion Application Deadline
- Friday, February 3 – Grade 6 Boys Basketball Practice at Lunch
- Friday, February 3 – Write Stretch
2 Responses to Dragon’s Breath Jan 23 – 27
Did the dates for the pottery sessions change? The form linked above has a start date of January 26th and a new form came home today that says February 2nd. Thanks!
Our Pottery instructor asked to delay start up by one week in hopes of getting more registrations. Sorry for the confusion.
Dragon’s Breath Jan 16 – 20
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope that you and your family are having a restful weekend.
As you know, our winter continues to remain cold. Please click below for more information about our winter conditions.
As always, please continue to take extra care during these unseasonably cold conditions.
If you have a child planning on attending Burnsview or Delview, please click on the appropriate documents below.
Gr.7 Next Year Letter Burnsview

Hot Lunch orders for January, February and March are now open online. Deadline for orders is January 19th. Please click below for instructions on how to place orders.
Instructions for using HotLunches

A huge thank you to Ms. Methven and Ms. Schwanbeck for helping us out as coaches! Practices have already started. Please see the practice schedule below.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Wednesday, January 18th – Math Stretch
- Thursday, January 19th – Art Stretch
- Friday, January 20th – Science Stretch
- Monday, January 23rd & Wednesday, January 25th – Early French Immersion info Meeting (for parents considering French Immersion for students entering Kindergarten). 6:30 at Burnsview
- Tuesday, January 24th – Kindergarten Vision and Hearing Screening
- Thursday, January 26th – Camp Jubilee Parent Info Meeting, 6:30 in the library
- Friday, January 27th – Special Lunch (Taco Del Mar)
Dragon’s Breath Jan 9 – 13
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I want to thank you for your support and for working with us during such a cold winter. It’s hard to make all areas of the school 100% slip free, but I assure you we are doing the best we can. Please take extra care as you and your kids travel to and from our school. I received this wonderful video from our formal principal, Mr. Hope. I think it offers some great tips. Please see below.
Hot Lunch ordering for January, February and March is now open and will be available for you to place order until Thursday, January 19th.
Burnsview French Immersion Info Night
The French Immersion Information Night will be held on Thursday, January 12th, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm in our Library. This evening will provide information specific to the Immersion program at Burnsview including testimonials from students, descriptions of Immersion courses and activities, and a question and answer period. All Grade 7 French Immersion students and their parents are invited to attend.
The Course Information Night for Grade 7 students interested in attending Burnsview will be held on Thursday, February 2nd, from 6:30 to 7:15 in the Burnsview Library. This presentation will include an overview of the Grade 8 program including a description of courses, the course selection procedure, and extra-curricular opportunities offered at Burnsview. This presentation will be followed by an information session regarding the Grade 9-12 program. Parents and students are welcome to stay for this session as well.

Please note that a Camp Jubilee info Meeting for parents of grade 6 and 7 students will on Thursday, January 26th at 6:30 in our school library.

Do you or anyone you know have a desire to coach basketball? If so, please email me at mdouangchanh@deltasd.bc.ca

Thank you to those who have been sending in pictures to us. It’s greatly appreciated.
Do you have photos of any school events? We would love to collect them for our year end slide show. Please email them to me at mdouangchanh@deltasd.bc.ca
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, January 9th – PAC Meeting at 7:00pm
- Thursday, January 12th – Previews go home
- Thursday, January 12th – Art Stretch
- Thursday, January 12th – Burnsview French Immersion info night at 7:00pm
- Friday, January 13th – Popcorn Sale at recess
- Friday, January 13th – Write Stretch
- Tuesday, January 17th – Tentative JRFH Assembly
- Wednesday, January 18th – Math Stretch
- Thursday, January 19th – Art Stretch
- Friday, January 20th – Science Stretch
- Monday, January 23rd & Wednesday, January 25th – Early French Immersion info Meeting (for parents considering French Immersion for students entering Kindergarten). 6:30 at Burnsview
- Thursday, January 26th – Camp Jubilee Info Meeting, 6:30 in the library
Dragon’s Breath January 3 – 6

Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope that you have had a great Christmas and Holiday Break. I look forward to seeing you all again as we head back to school on Tuesday, January 3rd.
Burnsview French Immersion Info Night
The French Immersion Information Night will be held on Thursday, January 12th, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm in our Library. This evening will provide information specific to the Immersion program at Burnsview including testimonials from students, descriptions of Immersion courses and activities, and a question and answer period. All Grade 7 French Immersion students and their parents are invited to attend.
The Course Information Night for Grade 7 students interested in attending Burnsview will be held on Thursday, February 2nd, from 6:30 to 7:15 in the Burnsview Library. This presentation will include an overview of the Grade 8 program including a description of courses, the course selection procedure, and extra-curricular opportunities offered at Burnsview. This presentation will be followed by an information session regarding the Grade 9-12 program. Parents and students are welcome to stay for this session as well.

Thank you for all your support with our food drive. It was tremendously successful. The North Delta Reporter wrote an article on us as well. Please see below for the full article.

The venues for Charlotte Diamond’s upcoming Delta concerts have now been confirmed:
Saturday, January 7 (2 p.m.) at Sequam Secondary’s theatre
Sunday, January 8 (2 p.m.) at South Delta’s theatre (Equinox)
Tickets will be $3 in advance, $5 at the door
We will also be selling tickets at DMEC (Learning Services, 2nd floor) Tuesday, January 3 to Thursday, January 5.
Here is the link to Charlotte’s website: New Link
CDs will be available for purchase at the concerts.
Do you or anyone you know have a desire to coach basketball? If so, please email me at mdouangchanh@deltasd.bc.ca
Thank you to those who have been sending in pictures to us. It’s greatly appreciated.
Do you have photos of any school events? We would love to collect them for our year end slide show. Please email them to me at mdouangchanh@deltasd.bc.ca
Have a great week and Happy New Year!
Mark Douangchanh

- Tuesday, January 3rd – School Re-Opens
- Tuesday, January 3rd – French Kindergarten Applications Available (due Feb 3rd)
- Saturday, January 7th – Charlotte Diamond Concert at Seaquam at 2pm
- Sunday, January 8th – Charlotte Diamond Concert at South Delta Secondary Theatre (Equinox) at 2pm
- Monday, January 9th – PAC Meeting at 7:00pm
- Thursday, January 12th – Previews go home
- Thursday, January 12th – Art Stretch
- Thursday, January 12th – Burnsview French Immersion info night at 7:00pm
- Friday, January 13th – Popcorn Sale at recess
- Friday, January 13th – Write Stretch
Dragon’s Breath Dec 12 – 16
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank for taking the time to read my Dragon’s Breath every week. Please see below for some information to think about for this last week before holidays.

Our school is putting together a Christmas Hamper for two families from a neighbouring Delta community. If you would like to help our efforts, we would gladly accept any donations that may help these families. We are hoping to assemble the hampers this Wednesday. We have a brief description of the families below. Please feel free to contact me for more information about the families.
1) family #1 – 2 adults & 8 children:
- boy – grade 9
- boy – grade 7
- girl – grade 5
- boy – grade 4
- girl – grade 3
- girl – grade 1
- girl – 4 1/2 yrs old
- baby girl – 1 yrs old
2) family #2 – 2 adults & 2 children
- girl grade 7
- boy grade 6

The staff and students have been working very hard, preparing for our Christmas Concert. We look forward to seeing you at our Christmas Concert on Tuesday. A reminder that we are only able to give two tickets per family for our evening Christmas Concert (7pm). You do not need a ticket to our afternoon performance (1pm). Please return any tickets that you do not need to the office.
Please bring a donation for our food drive when you come see the show.

Thank you to those who have been sending in pictures to us. It’s greatly appreciated.
Do you have photos of any school events? We would love to collect them for our year end slide show. Please email them to me at mdouangchanh@deltasd.bc.ca
On December 16th, students are encouraged to come to school wearing red and green.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Food Drive to Dec 13
- Tuesday, Dec 13 – Christmas Concert Matinee at 1pm (No tickets needed)
- Tuesday, Dec 13 – Christmas Concert Evening Performance at 7pm
- Friday, Dec 16 – Spirit Day (Red and Green Day)
- Friday, Dec 16 – PAC Hot Lunch (Panago)
2 Responses to Dragon’s Breath Dec 12 – 16
Can I send a monetary donation to the school for the Christmas hamper families
Amazing! Thank you!
Dragon’s Breath Dec 5 – 9

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Just a reminder that Monday, Dec 5 is a Pro D day and that school is not in session.

Please continue to bring in donations to our food drive. A reminder that we are encouraging parents to bring in a donation as part of admission for the Christmas Concert on Dec 13th.

There will be two shows on Dec 13th (1:00pm and 7:00pm). Each family will be given two tickets for the 7pm show. Family members who need more tickets are encouraged to come to the 1:00pm show. We are encouraging parents to bring a contribution to our food drive when they come see the show.

Due to December being a short month for schools, there will not be a PAC meeting this month.

Do you have photos of any school events? We would love to collect them for our year end slide show. Please email them to me at mdouangchanh@deltasd.bc.ca
On December 16th, students are encouraged to come to school wearing red and green.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Canned Food Drive to Dec 13th
- Monday, Dec 5 – Pro D Day
- Tuesday, Dec 6 – Div 1, 2, 3 to Science World
- Tuesday, Dec 6 – Pottery Class at lunch
- Wednesday, Dec 7 – Div 8 and 10 to Stewart Farm House
- Thursday, Dec 8 – Report Cards go home
- Friday, Dec 9 – Popcorn sale at Recess
- Tuesday, Dec 13 – Christmas Concert Matinee at 1pm
- Tuesday, Dec 13 – Christmas Concert Evening Performance at 7pm
- Friday, Dec 16 – Spirit Day (Red and Green Day)
- Friday, Dec 16 – PAC Hot Lunch (Panago)
Dragon’s Breath Nov 28 – Dec 2
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Some of you may have heard that the Smith Family, (Nateo in Mrs. Oliveira’s class) has received some very hard news. Their 10 month old son Huxley (Nateo’s brother) has been diagnosed with Cancer.
Huxley will undergo Cancer treatment and this will be a long challenging process on him and his family. Treatment is expected to last 5-6 months in the hospital.
It is unclear when exactly Sharon (Nateo’s mom) will be able to return to work, her maternity benefits conclude at the end of Dec.
For your information, if you would like to offer financial support there is a gofundme page that can be found via the link below.
All donations will be used to help cover additional medical expenses, parking, extra transportation costs to and from hospital, food costs for Sharon while she is with Huxley, and assist with household costs while Huxley is being treated.

As mentioned last week, Ms. Xiang and her students is organizing a food drive. Our school is collecting non-perishable food items for the Delta Food Bank. Donations will be accepted until Dec 13. Students can start bringing in donations of food as early as tomorrow. Parents and families are also encouraged to bring a food donation as part of admission to our Christmas Concerts on Dec 13th.

Do you have photos of any school events? We would love to collect them for our year end slide show. Please email them to me at mdouangchanh@deltasd.bc.ca

Christmas Concert rehearsal are well under way. We will be having two shows on Dec 13th. One at 1pm and one at 7pm. More information is yet to come but please know that we are encouraging families to bring a donation of non-perishable food for the food bank on the 13th.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact the school or your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Mark Douangchanh

- Food Drive to Dec 13
- Monday, Nov 28 – Art Card Orders Due
- Tuesday, Nov 29 – Pottery Class at lunch and after school
- Tuesday, Nov 29 – Grade 7 Volleyball Tourney at Sands after school
- Wednesday, Nov 30 – Math Stretch
- Wednesday, Nov 30 – Vancouver Giants visit at 9:10
- Thursday, Dec 1 – Grade 6 Vollball Game, Annieville at Devon Gardens
- Friday, Dec 2 – Write Stretch
- Monday, Dec 5 – Pro D Day
- Tuesday, Dec 6 – Div 1, 2, 3 to Science World
- Tuesday, Dec 6 – Pottery Class at lunch
- Wednesday, Dec 7 – Div 8 and 10 to Stewart Farm House
- Thursday, Dec 8 – Report Cards go home
- Friday, Dec 9 – Popcorn sale at Recess
Dragon’s Breath Nov 21 – 25
Dear Parents and Guardians,

Under the leadership of Ms. Xiang and her students, our school is collecting non-perishable food items for the Delta Food Bank. Donations will be accepted until Dec 13. Students can start bringing in donations of food as early as tomorrow. Parents and families are also encouraged to bring a food donation as part of admission to our Christmas Concerts on Dec 13th.

Devon Gardens PAC Updates
The PAC wants to thank all of our families that participated in our last fundraiser with Neufeld Farms. As reported last week, over $2500 was raised for our school. So where does the money go that the PAC raises? The PAC just approved the budget for this coming year and we wanted to share with you the impact of where these dollars go. Perhaps your kids have come home talking excitedly about the fancy new water fountains and water bottle filling stations as ours have? After the water fountain issue found in many of the Delta schools last year, the PAC bought two of these new water stations for our kids. There is one on both levels of the school and they appear to be a hit!
After years of fundraising for playgrounds and other gym equipment, the PAC has decided to turn its attention to a library refurbishment project. This will likely take a couple of years of planning and fundraising efforts. We are eager to get started however. We are looking for any of our parents or extended families that might have some expertise in design that they would be willing to lend to us through this process. If you are interested, please email us at devongardenspac@deltasd.bc.ca

Do you have photos of any school events? We would love to collect them for our year end slide show. Please email them to me at mdouangchanh@deltasd.bc.ca

As I said last week, we would like to thank you for all your support. I know that together we can continue to try and make this the best year possible for your children. Please don’t hesitate to contact the school or your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Mark Douangchanh

- Tuesday, Nov 22 – Div 4 & 5 to UBC
- Tuesday, Nov 22 – Pottery Club at lunch
- Wednesday, Nov 23 – Traveling Planetarium
- 8:50-9:40 Su
- 9:40-10:30 Arjun
- 10:45-11:35 Sutter
- 11:35-12:10 Lee
- 1:00-1:45 Lin
- Thursday, Nov 24 – Traveling Planetarium
- 8:50-9:40 Oliveira
- 9:40-10:30 Lovat
- 10:45-11:35 Oghabi
- 11:35-12:10 Jassal
- 1:00-1:45 Flag
- Friday, Nov 25 – Gr 7 Sweatshirt Orders Due
- Friday, Nov 25 – Div. 7 to Historic Stewart Farm house
- Friday, Nov 25 – PAC A & W Hotlunch
- Friday, Nov 25 – Science Stretch
- Monday, Nov 28 – Art Card Orders Due
- Wednesday, Nov 30 – Math Stretch
- Friday, Dec 2 – Write Stretch
5 Responses to Dragon’s Breath Nov 21 – 25
Friday, Nov 25 – PAC Subway Hotlunch
This should be A&W this Friday-
You are right. Thank you for noticing the mistake.
It should be fixed now.
Deadline for Purdy’s orders?
I haven’t seen any order forms for this at all and I couldn’t see any info on school page .
Thank you
Sorry for the mistake. Purdy’s orders were for staff only. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
Dragon’s Breath Nov 14 – 18
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for all your support leading up to and during our Remembrance Day Assembly. The students and staff worked extremely hard to make this year’s assembly powerful and respectful for all the veterans and soldiers in our lives.
From our school PAC
Thank-you for your enthusiastic support of our school wide Neufeld Farms fundraiser. By working together, we raised over $2500 for our school !!!! We wish to congratulate our top sellers (and their families):
- Emma T.
- Hudson C.
- Ashlyn L.
We will contact our winners about the prizes soon – free hot lunches in 2017!
Again – thank-you for your support.
Just a reminder that we are planning to practice our emergency code yellow procedures on November 15th. Once again, a Code Yellow is a procedure which allows the school to continue with the normal school day, but forbids outside activity and unnecessary room to room transit. A Code Yellow is most commonly used when an incident is occurring outside the school building, and there is no immediate or active threat. Examples of when a Code Yellow is initiated could be when there is an animal, like a bear or Coyote spotted in the area near the school or when their is a police incident in the neighbourhood. During the procedure, no unauthorized personnel are to enter the building.
We realize that practicing fire drills, earthquake drills and Code Yellow drills has the potential to cause some anxiety amongst some students. The teachers and staff will be working hard to explain to our students that there is nothing to worry about during such drills and that it is important for schools to practice what to do in case of an emergency. Please help us ease these potential anxieties by having discussions with your children at home.
Please note that for the purposes of this drill, there is no pick up necessary. If you have any questions about the Code Yellow Drill, please feel free to contact the school.

As always, we would like to thank you for all your support. I know that together we can continue to try and make this the best year possible for your children. Please don’t hesitate to contact the school or your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Mark Douangchanh

- Tuesday, Nov 15 – Pottery Club at lunch
- Tuesday, Nov 15 – Code Yellow Drill at 2pm
- Tuesday, Nov 15 – Grade 7 Volleyball, Brooke at Devon Gardens
- Tuesday, Nov 15 – Grade 6 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Gray
- Wednesday, Nov 16 – Math Stretch
- Wednesday, Nov 16 – Div 13 to Burns Bog
- Thursday, Nov 17 – Performance Assembly “Singing Africa” at 11am
- Thursday, Nov 17 – Art Stretch
- Thursday, Nov 17 – Grade 7 Volleyball, Annieville at Devon Gardens
- Thursday, Nov 17 – Grade 6 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Richardson
- Friday, Nov 18 – Popcorn Sale at recess
- Tuesday, Nov 22 – Div 4 & 5 to UBC
- Tuesday, Nov 22 – Pottery Club at lunch
- Wednesday, Nov 23 – Traveling Planetarium (in school Field Trip)
- 8:50-9:40 Su
- 9:40-10:30 Arjun
- 10:45-11:35 Sutter
- 11:35-12:10 Lee
- 1:00-1:45 Lin
- Thursday, Nov 24 – Traveling Planetarium (in school Field Trip)
- 8:50-9:40 Oliveira
- 9:40-10:30 Lovat
- 10:45-11:35 Oghabi
- 11:35-12:10 Jassal
- 1:00-1:45 Flag
- Friday, Nov 25 – Gr 7 Sweatshirt Orders Due
- Friday, Nov 25 – Div. 7 to Historic Stewart Farm house
- Friday, Nov 25 – PAC Subway Hotlunch
- Friday, Nov 25 – Science Stretch
7 Responses to Dragon’s Breath Nov 14 – 18
Love the Dragon’s Breath – very very helpful reminders thank you!
I’m glad the Dragon’s Breath is helpful. Thank you!
Is there a magazine fundraiser again this year?
thank you-
Not to my knowledge. I will forward your question to our PAC to double check if they have any plans for magazines.
I just got confirmation. There are no plans to do a magazine fundraiser this year.
Thank you for the quick response!
Appreciate all the information you provide to us!-
Thank you for your support!
Dragon’s Breath Nov 7 – 10

Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope that you and your family enjoys the extra hour this weekend.

From everyone here at Devon Gardens, we would like to thank all those who participated and supported our Halloween Parade.

Please come join us for our Remembrance Day Assembly on Thursday November 10th. Our assembly will be in the gym and start shortly after 9:00am. Girl Guides, Boy Scouts and Cadets are encouraged to come to school that day in uniform.

Please come join us for our PAC Meeting on Monday at 7pm in the Library.
We are planning to practice our emergency code yellow procedures on November 15th. A Code Yellow is a procedure, which allows the school to continue with the normal school day, but forbids outside activity and unnecessary room to room transit. A Code Yellow is most commonly used when an incident is occurring outside the school building, and there is no immediate or active threat. Examples of when a Code Yellow is initiated could be when there is an animal, like a bear or Coyote spotted in the area near the school or when their is a police incident in the neighbourhood. During the procedure, no unauthorized personnel are to enter the building.
We realize that practicing fire drills, earthquake drills and Code Yellow drills has the potential to cause some anxiety amongst some students. The teachers and staff will be working hard to explain to our students that there is nothing to worry about during such drills and that it is important for schools to practice what to do in case of an emergency. Please help us ease these potential anxieties by having discussions with your children at home.
Please note that for the purposes of this drill, there is no pick up necessary. If you have any questions about the Code Yellow Drill, please feel free to contact the school.
- Monday, Nov 7 – PAC Meeting at 7pm
- Tuesday, Nov 8 – Grade 7 Volleyball, McCloskey at Devon
- Wednesday, Nov 9 – Pottery Club at lunch
- Thursday, Nov 10 – Remembrance Day Assembly at 9am
- Thursday, Nov 10 – Grade 7 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Brooke
- Friday, Nov 11 – Remembrance Day Holiday
- Tuesday, Nov 15 – Code Yellow Drill at 2pm
- Tuesday, Nov 15 – Grade 7 Volleyball, Brooke at Devon Gardens
- Tuesday, Nov 15 – Grade 6 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Gray
- Wednesday, Nov 16 – Math Stretch
- Wednesday, Nov 16 – Div 13 to Burns Bog
- Wednesday, Nov 16 – Pottery Club at lunch
- Thursday, Nov 17 – Performance Assembly “Singing Africa” at 11am
- Thursday, Nov 17 – Art Stretch
- Thursday, Nov 17 – Grade 7 Volleyball, Annieville at Devon Gardens
- Thursday, Nov 17 – Grade 6 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Richardson
- Friday, Nov 18 – Popcorn Sale at recess
Dragon’s Breath Oct 31 – Nov 4
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Just a short edition of the Dragon’s Breath for you this week. I hope that you are as excited for Halloween as your children are.

Halloween Costume Parade.
We are looking forward to our Costume Parade tomorrow. The parade will start at 9:00am. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed in their Halloween Costume. They will have a chance to be part of parade that goes throughout the school.
Please be reminded that…
- costumes should not be too scary
- toy weapons should be kept at home
- if possible, try to avoid masks. If masks are unavoidable, they should be used during the parade only.
- Students will want to bring an extra set of clothes for after the parade.
Crossing Guards
If you haven’t seen it, please check out our Crossing guard video. Our Crossing Guards are working hard every day to help keep our students, parents and visitors safe.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh
- Monday, Oct 31 – Halloween Parade at 9:00am
- Tuesday, Nov 1 – Grade 7 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Richardson
- Tuesday, Nov 1 – Grade 6 Volleyball, Gray at Devon Gardens
- Wednesday, Nov 2 – Pottery Club at Lunch
- Thursday, Nov 3 – Art Stretch
- Thursday, Nov 3 – Grade 7 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Gibson
- Thursday, Nov 3 – Grade 6 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Hellings
- Friday, Nov 4 – Write Stretch
- Monday, Nov 7 – Fire Safety Presentation for k-3 at 9am
- Tuesday, Nov 8 – Grade 7 Volleyball, McCloskey at Devon
- Wednesday, Nov 9 – Pottery Club at lunch
- Thursday, Nov 10 – Remembrance Day Assembly at 9am
- Thursday, Nov 10 – Grade 7 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Brooke
- Friday, Nov 11 – Remembrance Day Holiday
Dragon’s Breath Oct 25 – 28
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s edition of the Dragon’s Breath. I hope you find the following bits of information helpful.

Just a reminder that our pottery classes are starting this week. It’s a great opportunity. I am excited to take part in the class myself! Please click below if you need the permission form.
Thank you for helping us out with our Emergency Release Drill. Please remember that during an actual emergency, only Parents or Adults identified as emergency contacts on your list or indicated on Parent Connect can pick up children. Please make sure that this information is updated. Daycare / other adults will not be allowed to remove a child unless their names are indicated in the emergency contacts in Parent Connect. I.D. will be required as well.
Our Crossing Guards are working hard every day to help keep our students, parents and visitors safe. Please take a moment to watch this short video featuring a few of our very own crossing guards, and Delta Police.
Please be reminded that Monday, Oct 24 is a Pro D Day and school is not in session.
Once again, please join us for our Diwali Assembly on Wednesday, Oct 26 at 9:10am.
Halloween Costume Parade.
Justa reminder that our Costume Parade will be at 9:00am on Halloween. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed in their Halloween Costume. They will have a chance to be part of parade that goes throughout the school.
Please be reminded that…
- costumes should not be too scary
- toy weapons should be kept at home
- if possible, try to avoid masks. If masks are unavoidable, they should be used during the parade only.
- Students will want to bring an extra set of clothes for after the parade.
Public Education Forum
For your information there will be a public education forum featuring Dr. Sara Junaid on Oct 25 at South Delta Secondary. She will talk about Mental Health issues in youth. You can click below for more information.
Please continue to help us keep our students safe during pickup and drop off times. We understand that that before and after school can be very busy. Please help us by doing the following.
- Use the designated parent parking lot across the street from the school
- Follow the directions of crossing guards
- Keep our school/staff parking lot clear of parent vehicles and pedestrians
- Stress to your children that they should not hang out in our parking lot
- Keep vehicles clear of Downs Road
- Encourage older students to walk to school
- If possible, walk younger students to school
- Report traffic concerns to the office
Together we can continue to work on keeping our kids as safe as possible during pick-up and drop-off times.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh
Principal, Devon Gardens Elementary

- Monday, Oct 24 – Pro D Day
- Tuesday, Oct 25 – Photo Re-Takes in the morning (gym stage)
- Tuesday, Oct 25 – Grade 7 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Hellings
- Tuesday, Oct 25 – Grade 6 Volleyball, McCloskey at Devon Gardens
- Wednesday, Oct 26 – Math Stretch
- Wednesday, Oct 26 – Diwali Assembly
- Thursday, Oct 27 – Art Stretch
- Thursday, Oct 27 – Grade 7 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Gray
- Thursday, Oct 27 – Grade 6 Volleyball, Richardson at Devon Gardens
- Friday, Oct 28 – Div. 7 to Surrey Bend Regional Park
- Friday, Oct 28 – Hot Lunch: Subway
- Friday, Oct 28 – Science Stretch
- Monday, Oct 31 – Halloween Parade at 9:00am
- Tuesday, Nov 1 – Grade 7 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Richardson
- Tuesday, Nov 1 – Grade 6 Volleyball, Gray at Devon Gardens
- Thursday, Nov 3 – Art Stretch
- Thursday, Nov 3 – Grade 7 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Gibson
- Thursday, Nov 3 – Grade 6 Volleyball, Devon Gardens at Hellings
- Friday, Nov 4 – Write Stretch
Dragon’s Breath Oct 17 – 21
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As many of you know, our power went out at approximately 1:20 pm on Friday. I am proud to say that our students were amazing and continued to work calmly and quietly for the rest of the afternoon.
Please remember that we are conducting a FULL EVACUATION DRILL on Thursday Oct 20th at 2:40. Please remember that only Parents or Adults identified as emergency contacts on your list or indicated on Parent Connect can pick up children. Please make sure to bring I.D. Daycare / other adults will not be allowed to remove a child unless their names are indicated in the emergency contacts in Parent Connect.
Please see the documents below for more information.
DG Emergency Release Procedures – Parents 2016
Please see the information below about Neufeld Farms
Please also send back all their Entertainment Books and/or orders asap.
Why join CPF?
Canadian Parents for French BC & Yukon is a non-profit organization that has worked since 1978 to provide French Second Language learning opportunities for youth, support for parents, and advocacy for quality French programs in our schools. We are part of Canadian Parents for French, a nationwide, research-informed volunteer network comprised of 10 branches, 150 local chapters, and over 23,000 members. Our members are parents, graduates, educators, schools, libraries, organizations, and committed citizens who believe in the value of bilingualism.
In 2014-15 there were 50,300 French Second Language students in BC and the Yukon; and in 2015-16 there were just over 53,000—an increase of over 2000 students! Parents and kids want French as part of their education, and CPF is a critical part of ensuring this happens. The vitality that CPF Chapters bring to their communities enriches the French learning experience at every level. With a growing membership, the opportunities grow!
As a CPF member you are taking an active part in the educational and personal growth of your children and your community. Canada’s two Official Languages are stronger because of your support.
CPF Membership Benefits
- Learn how to support your children as they learn French, even if you don’t speak French
- Find French educational resources, and research on second language learning
- Create social opportunities for your children to experience and use their French
- Information about youth exchanges, bursaries, and work experience
- Socialize and share experiences with parents of similar interests and needs
- Members-only benefits including: camps, provincial and national conferences, discounts,
and access to the members-only section of the CPF website - Have a voice in decisions about French Second Language education and programs in our schools
- Preserve and grow quality FSL education in our schools
Please click below for more information about CPF

We had a very successful Book Fair. Thank you for all your support.

A reminder that Pottery Forms are Due Oct 24th.
As mentioned last week, please remember that even though all our crossing guards have been trained by the Delta Police, they are as young as 10 years old and giving directions to adults may be challenging for some of them. All our crossing guards have been trained to ask students and adults to follow traffic safety rules. They will ask adults and students to cross at the designated spots and give directions if they see people doing unsafe actions such as jay-walking. It is expected that adults, students and drivers of vehicles follow the directions of these crossing guards while they are on duty.
Parents and Students can help by…
- Waiting for crossing guards to enter the road and signal that it is safe before crossing.
- Complying to directions given by crossing guards.
- Crossing at the marked crosswalks.
Please note that there is not a crosswalk going west/east on the corner of Russell Drive and Downs Road. Students and Parents should only be crossing in the North/South direction and not west/east as pictured below. Crossing across Russell Drive in this area puts our crossing guards in an unsafe situation since there is no crosswalk.

Those who need to cross Russell Drive should use the crosswalk just a bit further north (approximately 60 yards) as pictured below.
Please continue to help us keep our students safe during pickup and drop off times. We understand that that before and after school can be very busy. Please help us by doing the following.
- Use the designated parent parking lot across the street from the school
- Follow the directions of crossing guards
- Keep our school/staff parking lot clear of parent vehicles and pedestrians
- Stress to your children that they should not hang out in our parking lot
- Keep vehicles clear of Downs Road
- Encourage older students to walk to school
- If possible, walk younger students to school
- Report traffic concerns to the office
Together we can continue to work on keeping our kids as safe as possible during pick-up and drop-off times.
Please note that Oct 21 and Oct 24 are Pro D Days.
Please join us for our Diwali Assembly on Wednesday, Oct 26 at 9:10am.

Halloween Costume Parade.
Our Costume Parade will be at 9:00am on Halloween. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed in their Halloween Costume. They will have a chance to be part of parade that goes throughout the school.
Please be reminded that…
- costumes should not be too scary
- toy weapons should be kept at home
- if possible, try to avoid masks. If masks are unavoidable, they should be used during the parade only.
- Students will want to bring an extra set of clothes for after the parade.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh
Principal, Devon Gardens Elementary
- Wednesday, Oct 19 – Grade 6 Immunization Shots
- Wednesday, Oct 19 – Kindergartens from Div 14, 15, 16 to Pumpkin Patch in the Morning
- Thursday, Oct 20 – FULL EVACUATION DRILL
- Friday, Oct 21 – Pro D Day
- Monday, Oct 24 – Pro D Day
- Tuesday, Oct 25 – Photo Re-Takes
- Wednesday, Oct 26 – Math Stretch
- Wednesday, Oct 26 – Diwali Assembly
- Thursday, Oct 27 – Art Stretch
- Friday, Oct 28 – Hot Lunch: Subway
- Friday, Oct 28 – Science Stretch
- Monday, Oct 31 – Halloween Parade at 9:00am
Dragon’s Breath Oct 11 – 14
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope that as you read this, you have had some time to spend with your family and loved ones during this long-weekend.
On behalf of Ms. Disney please see the notice below for all band students.
Band Method Books notice DG 2016
Just a reminder that now that our crossing guards schedule have been finalized, our guards will be working hard to keep our community safe. Please remember that even though all our crossing guards have been trained by the Delta Police, they are as young as 10 years old and giving directions to adults may be challenging for some of them. All our crossing guards have been trained to ask students and adults to follow traffic safety rules. They will ask adults and students to cross at the designated spots and give directions if they see people doing unsafe actions such as jay-walking. It is expected that adults, students and drivers of vehicles follow the directions of these crossing guards while they are on duty.
Parents of crossing guards can click below for the updated schedule.
Please continue to help us keep our students safe during pickup and drop off times. We understand that that before and after school can be very busy. Please help us by doing the following.
- Use the designated parent parking lot across the street from the school
- Follow the directions of crossing guards
- Keep our school/staff parking lot clear of parent vehicles and pedestrians
- Stress to your children that they should not hang out in our parking lot
- Keep vehicles clear of Downs Road
- Encourage older students to walk to school
- If possible, walk younger students to school
- Report traffic concerns to the office
Together we can continue to work on keeping our kids as safe as possible during pick-up and drop-off times.

Just a reminder that our Parent Teacher Conferences will be on Oct 12th and 13th. Students will be dissmissed at 12:10 on Wednesday the 12th and at 2:00 on Thursday the 13th. Please below for instructions on how to book an appointment through “Parent Connect”. Please remember that these conferences are meant for teachers and parents only and students are not to be part of Parent Teacher Conferences.
Parent Instructions Online Conf

Our Book Fair will be from Oct 12 – 14 during lunch and afterschool.

In coordination with “Shake Out BC”, we will be conducting a Emergency Release Drill on Oct 20th at 2:40 at our back field. Please see below for instructions, as well as Parent Connect Instructions. While you are on Parent Connect please make sure that your contact info and the following forms have been completed.
- Personal Information Consent Form
- Outside Media In Schools
- Walking Field Trips Permission
- B.C. Fruit and Vegetable Program Permission
DG Emergency Release Procedures – Parents 2016
Please note that if you are unable to participate in this Emergency Release Drill, your child will be dissmissed at 3:00pm.
Thank you for your support during our Terry Fox Run. We achieved our goal of having each student bringing in a Twoonie to help the Terry Fox Foundation.

We are pleased to announce that we will be offering Pottery Classes once again. Please below for more information.
Have a great week and as always, please feel free to contact the school if we can help in any way.
Mark Douangchanh
Principal, Devon Gardens Elementary

- Wednesday, Oct 12 to Wednesday Oct 13 – Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Wednesday, Oct 12 to Friday, Oct 14 – Book Fair
- Thursday, Oct 14 – Math Stretch and Art Stretch
- Friday, Oct 14 – Performance Assembly: Canadian Musical Theatre at 9am
- Friday, Oct 14 Popcorn Sale at Recess
- Wednesday, Oct 19 – Grade 6 Immunization Shots
- Wednesday, Oct 19 – Kindergartens from Div 14, 15, 16 to Pumpkin Patch in the Morning
- Thursday, Oct 20 – FULL EVACUATION DRILL at 2:40
- Friday, Oct 21 – Pro D Day
- Monday, Oct 24 – Pro D Day
Dragon’s Breath Oct 3 – 7
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for taking a moment to read this week’s edition of the Dragon’s Breath.
We would like to thank you for all your support during Friday’s Terry Fox Run. It was great to see our kids giving it their all. I had many kids come up to me and proudly tell me about their total amount of laps they ran.
Please help me welcome our new teachers. Mme Su, Mme Brucker and Ms. Smith have been working with us for a little while now. Ms. Arjun is our newest addition to our team.
Please see below for our upcoming PAC snack days and hot lunches. Please help us by making sure that you mark them on your calendar. Online ordering for Oct / Nov / December lunches open from October 3rd to 20th, 2016.
- Friday, October 14th – Popcorn Sale @ Recess
- Friday, October 28th – Subway Lunch Day
- Friday, November 18th Popcorn Sale @ Recess
- Friday, November 25th – A&W Lunch Day
- Friday, December 9th – Popcorn Sale @ Recess
- Friday, December 16th – Panago Pizza Lunch Day

Please see a DRAFT of the crossing guard schedule below. Please note that there are a few students who are off the schedule that I need to more information from. If your child’s name is off of the schedule please have them come see me. Also, if there are scheduling conflicts, please have your child come see me.

Please help us keep our students safe during pickup and drop off times. We understand that that before and after school can be very busy. Please help us by doing the following.
- Use the designated parent parking lot across the street from the school
- Keep our school/staff parking lot clear of parent vehicles and pedestrians
- Stress to your children that they should not hang out in our parking lot
- Keep vehicles clear of Downs Road
- Encourage older students to walk to school
- If possible, walk younger students to school
- Report traffic concerns to the office
Together we can continue to work on keeping our kids as safe as possible during pick-up and drop-off times.
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Monday, Oct 3 – PAC Meeting at 7pm
- Friday, Oct 7 – Science Stretch and Write Stretch
- Monday, Oct 10 – Thanksgiving Day Holiday – School Not in Session
- Wednesday, Oct 12 to Wednesday Oct 13 – Parent/Teacher Interviews (more info to come)
- Wednesday, Oct 12 to Friday, Oct 14 – Book Fair
- Thursday, Oct 14 – Math Stretch and Art Stretch
- Friday, Oct 14 – Performance Assembly: Canadian Musical Theatre
- Friday, Oct 14 Popcorn Sale at Recess
Dragon’s Breath Sept 26 – 30
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I would like to thank all of you for coming out to our Open House last week. I would especially like to thank all our parents for putting on such an amazing BBQ. It was great to see so families out at our school.

Picture Day is on Tuesday the 27th! Make sure your kids bring their best smiles!

Please don’t forget that our Terry Fox Run will be on Friday. Please encourage your child to bring a “Twoonie for Terry” in support of the Terry Fox Foundation. Don’t forget that Hot Lunch will also be on Friday!

There will be a crossing guard meeting on Wednesday at lunch for grades 5, 6 and 7 students who are interested. You can preview the permission form below.
Crossing Guard Permission Letter
Have a great week!
Mark Douangchanh

- Tuesday, Sept 27 – Individual PHOTO DAY
- Wednesday, Sept 28 – Crossing Guard Meeting at 12:25
- Friday, Sept 30 – TERRY FOX RUN at 11am
- Friday, Sept 30 – Hot Lunch
- Monday, Oct 3 – PAC Meeting at 7pm
- Friday, Oct 7 – Science Stretch and Write Stretch
Dragon’s Breath Sept 19 – 23
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope that you have had a restful weekend and hopefully you have snuck in as much family time as possible. Please see below for some upcoming events to think about.
Parents of grade 6 and 7 students, please be reminded that our band rental night will be MONDAY, SEPT 19th at 7pm at ANNIEVILLE ELEMENTARY.
If you did not receive the Band Rental Information package please click below to download a copy.
Parent Band package Devon Gardens 2016-2017
The Devon Gardens PAC is looking to add to our roster of potential parent volunteers for various initiatives throughout the year. From Sports Day to Family Fun Night, from wrapping burgers to popping popcorn, there are lots of fun and easy ways to get involved with the life of our children’s school. We are not looking for long term commitments or even expect a certain number of hours. If you are interested in possibly helping out from time to time on a casual basis, we would love to add your name to our list.
Click the link below and add your name to the list! If you signed up last year and can still help, please do sign up again.
Hot Lunch ordering is available for September’s hot lunch online at https://devonpac.hotlunches.net/admin/ The deadline for ordering is midnight, Thursday, Sept. 22nd.
Don’t forget to come to our PAC BBQ on Thursday Sept 22 at 5:30. Our Open House will follow right after from 6:30 to 7:30. A gentle reminder that our open house is intended to be a simple meet and greet. Parents will have an opportunity for a more specific questions about their child during our upcoming parent-teacher-interviews on October 12th and 13th. As always, siblings are welcome. However, we do ask that our parents ensure that siblings are well supervised by their parents while in our school so that teachers are free to have conversations with the parents of their students.
Our TERRY FOX RUN will be on Friday, Sept 30th at 11am. We will be collecting “Twoonies for Terry”, starting tomorrow. We would like to encourage every child to bring a twoonie in support of the Terry Fox Foundation.
- SEPT 19 to SEPT 30 – Collect Twoonies for Terry
- Monday, Sept 19 – Band Rental Night for Grade 6s and 7s at Annieville at 7pm
- Thrusday, Sept 22 -Previews Go Home
- Thursday, Sept 22 – Open House (PAC BBQ at 5;30. Open House 6:30-7:30)
- Friday, Sept 23 – Pro D (Schoo not in session)
- Tuesday, Sept 27 – Individual PHOTO DAY! Bring your best SMILE!
- Friday, Sept 30 – TERRY FOX RUN at 11am
Dragon’s Breath Sept 12 – 16
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for all your support during the first week of school. I know that the first week is both exciting and challenging for many reasons. The teachers and staff at Devon Gardens would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We hope to see at the PAC Meeting tomorrow night at 7pm. Come out and see what our PAC is all about.

Our Open House will be on Thursday Sept 22. Please save the date. More details about our open house will be sent home soon.
Please see below for some upcoming dates to note.
As always, please let us know if there’s anything we can do to be of help to you.
Mark Douangchanh
Principal, Devon Gardens Elementary

- Monday, Sept 12 – PAC Meeting 7pm
- Friday, Sept 16 – Welcome Back Assembly at 9am
- Thursday, Sept 22 – Previews Go Home
- Thursday, Sept 22 – Open House (More details to come)
- Friday, Sept 23 – Pro D Day (School not in session)
Dragon’s Breath Sept 6 – Sept 9

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Once again I look forward to meeting you. I am really excited for the first day of school. I know that tonight there will be many emotions as students, parents and educators prepare themselves for tomorrow.
Please know that I have 100% faith that every single staff member at Devon Gardens is working hard to make tomorrow and this year special for your child. I have spoken to so many of our teachers and EAs and have heard about what they are doing to prepare for the kids. My heart is truly impressed by the hard work and passion that our staff has for their profession. This is truly a special school.
Please be reminded that your child will be dismissed tomorrow at lunch. Please see below for first day instructions.

Please follow the regular school bell schedule for the rest of the week unless your child is in kindergarten. Kindergarten students should the gradual entry schedule that was previously provided.
Also just a reminder that we will work hard to finalize classes as soon as possible. I thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please feel free to contact me if I can help in any other way,
Mark Douangchanh

- Tuesday, Sept 6 – School Opens, Students get dismissed at lunch
- Friday, Sept 9 – Welcome Back Assembly (Exact Time to be Announced)
- Monday, Sept 12 – PAC Meeting 7pm
Calendar will be GREAT thank you
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