March 10th – 14th, 2025

Dear DG Families,


Spring Ahead was Saturday Night

Did you remember to set your clocks ahead one hour?


Track T-Shirt Orders Due Monday, March 10th

Track and Field season will be getting underway for Grades 4 – 7 students shortly after Spring Break. We are, once again, offering families the opportunity to purchase a Devon Gardens Track T-shirt for their child. There are many benefits to ordering a school track t-shirt (other than that they look really cool!). We typically take a very large group of students to the track meet and we have a limited number of school jerseys, meaning students have to share jerseys and wear their own shirt underneath. Having students wear their own School Track T-shirt will allow students to have a school sports team “uniform”, while also helping to alleviate some of the problems we have dealt with at previous years’ track meets (eg. overheating from too many layers, sharing of sweaty jerseys, jersey sizing, students feeling they need a particular jersey or “lucky” number, etc…). The Track T-shirt will also be a nice keepsake for the students as well.

T-shirts are $20 each.   Order forms were sent home Thursday, Feb 27th, and will be due back by March 10th.   Due to the tight ordering timeline, late orders will not be accepted.



Thank you to the many families who attended the PAC’s Family Movie Night fundraiser, of Moana 2, on Friday.   This was the final movie night for the year.  The parent volunteers who have organized this year’s movie nights worked super hard (before, during, and after each of the movie nights) to ensure they were successful events.  Proceeds from the movie nights help the PAC continue to support many initiatives and activities that enrich the school experience for the students.

Here are just some of the things the PAC is helping us with this year:

  • cultural group presentations and performances: so far this year we’ve had Axe Capoeira, Metaphor – Hip-Hop 101, and Rainbow Dance Theatre – iLUMiDANCE.  Duffle Bag Theatre is coming after Spring Break to do a bilingual version of the 3 Musketeers.
  • the Bollywood Dance workshops we had in January
  • funds to assist us in covering field trip costs for students who need financial assistance (to ensure that all students can participate)
  • purchasing comfortable floor seating cushions for the portable
  • keeping our playground pals bin well-stocked with outdoor games and equipment
  • purchasing visual timers, wiggle cushions, mini whiteboard, fidgets and noise cancelling headphones for classrooms and the learning support centre
  • supporting the school garden and student Culture Club
  • funds to replace and update classroom tech equipment
  • a new laminator
  • purchasing $2500 in new library books
  • and more!


Here are some of the previous years’ projects the PAC has funded:

  • the beautiful dragon murals in the gym and in the hallway outside the library
  • the riser seating and murals in the library
  • the outdoor basketball court
  • the Lego wall in the library and the Lego storage system
  • classroom projectors and document cameras
  • pinnies and other PE equipment (eg. soccer balls)
  • the 4-way tug-of-war rope we use on Sports Day
  • an awesome portable sound system that can be used both inside and outside (Terry Fox Run, Sports Day, Family Fun Night)
  • the special shipping container shelving that helped transform a place where junk was being stored to what is now the playground pals bin full of cool equipment and outdoor games available to all students, every day at both recess and lunch time
  • the revitalized and refreshed stage curtains in the gym (they used to be an awful mustardy-gold colour) and a parent volunteer painted them black … at her house!   This was a very creative and affordable suggestion (but a major undertaking )
  • super durable and easily washable (but expensive!) beanbag seating for classrooms
  • and more!


On an ongoing basis the PAC also provides:

  • a per-classroom allotment for teachers to get extra supplies like stickers, posters, cooking and craft supplies, materials for special art projects and more (teachers often spend a lot of their own money on these things)
  • funds to replenish, restock and purchase additional items for the play ground pals bin. Things like bubbles, sidewalk chalk, scoops and balls, hula hoops, skipping ropes, giant versions of games like chess/checkers/jenga, etc…. Much loved and well-used items also need replacing when they get broken or worn out from daily use
  • funds to bring in cultural performance groups each year
  • support for our library to maintain and add to the book collection
  • funds to purchase teacher “wish list” items
  • financial support to maintain and enhance the school garden
  • an awesome partnership with our staff, that goes WAY beyond their financial contributions
  • and more!


Did you know that without the PAC we would not have: 

  • special lunch and snack days
  • recess popcorn sales
  • after school freezie sales
  • concessions at the Christmas concert and Sports Day
  • family fun night
  • the fruit and veggie program
  • the 50/50 draw at the Christmas concert
  • a yearbook
  • and so much more!

So many of the great things that happen at our school would not be possible without our PAC and parent volunteers.  And the PAC is always looking for more assistance with jobs big and small!   Parent involvement is encouraged, appreciated, and is an integral component of our positive school culture. If you haven’t already, we hope you’ll consider getting involved.   For more information about this, and other PAC initiatives, please contact the PAC at Attending a PAC meeting is a great place to start.  The next one is on Monday, April 7th.   Meetings are virtual, so you can attend from the comfort of your own home!

You can also support the PAC by supporting their fundraising initiatives.  Please read more about this under the “PAC” section, below.



Avoid the Congestion and Get Some Extra Steps in!

There are lots of great things about our school.  Ample parking is not one of them!   Dealing with traffic congestion at pick-up and drop-off times can be frustrating.   Parking a little farther away and walking is a great way to avoid the headache of trying to find a parking spot, while also getting some extra steps in.   In addition to the surrounding streets in the immediate vicinity, the parking lot at Annieville Lions Park, just down the street along 112th, is also a great option.



What exactly is PAC?   Check out their one-pager, here

Please Complete the PAC Survey about Special Lunch Days

The PAC is looking for your input regarding Special Lunch Days.   Please complete this short survey:


  • Order forms were sent home on Thursday, February 27th
  • Order forms due back March 12th
  • Bundles will be delivered April 9-19th

Please note – We have been informed that, due to climate conditions, carrots will be sourced from Washington.  Should you wish to cancel your order, based on this, please contact the PAC at


PAC Fundraisers ongoing throughout the year

For any questions about the following fundraisers, please send an email to



We’ve created a new fundraising collaboration with Pedalheads! If you sign up for a swim, bike or other sport program for spring or summer, by June 30, 2025, using code DEVONG25 you get $25 off the cost. As well the PAC will receive a $25 donation each time the code is used. For more information regarding the programs available head to this link:



Return-it Express

PAC has created a school fundraising account. To participate, simply bring your containers to the depot in sealed, clear bags, and enter the registered phone number, 604-581-6185, into the Express kiosk. You will be prompted to select the number of bags you’re dropping off, the kiosk will automatically print the same number of sticker tags displaying our PACs unique Express account code. Tag each of your bags with a sticker tag and drop the bags off in the designated Express drop-off area to be counted. For a list of Return-it Express location visit

Cobs Bread Dough Raiser Program

This program enables us to raise money for our school throughout the year! Be sure to mention Devon Gardens Elementary (or code 7806) each time you make a purchase at COBS Bread Scott 72 Centre; they will donate 10% of your purchase back to our school


Online Stay Safe & Babysitting Courses

Offered through First Aid Hero. When registering use promo/coupon code “DevGardens25” and our PAC will earn $5 from each registration. For details, available course dates and online registration, please follow the link:






Kinder Books

Introducing the Kinder Books Loyalty Program for schools! This year-long fundraising program is designed to help schools earn credit towards purchasing books for their school library.

Here’s how it works: for every net book purchase made at Kinder Books, the school will earn 10% of the purchase amount towards a credit at our store. At the end of the fundraiser, we will notify the school of their credit amount. The school can then decide to use the credit at the beginning of the new school year or at the end of the calendar year.

The best part? This program applies to all book purchases at our store, including special orders for kids and books for adults. Plus, orders can be placed online at, making it easy for grandparents or other family members who live out of town to participate. Simply mention your school’s name at checkout, and we’ll credit your school accordingly.

Online orders can be picked up at the store during business hours or shipped through Canada Post


2025/2026 School Year Budget Consultation Process

In preparation for development of the 2025/2026 budget, the Delta Board of Education is encouraging parents/caregivers, staff, partners, and rights-holders to share their priorities for the upcoming school year by 5p.m. on March 14, 2025.

You can provide your feedback by:
Completing a short online survey
Sending an email to
Sending a letter to Delta School District, 4585 Harvest Drive, Delta, B.C., V4K 5B4
Talking to your school’s PAC

Please click here (or copy and paste this url into your browser ) to learn more about this year’s consultation process.


Homestay Families for International Students

Delta School District International Programs is currently recruiting homestay families for international students coming to Delta School District for September 2025. We also have 3-week ELL programs in July 2025 and August 2025. They will arrive from all over the world and have a strong desire to be in Delta. We are internationally recognized as a top destination for students wanting a study abroad experience in Secondary School.
The reimbursement for hosting is increasing to $1,200 per month. Multiple students from different nationalities can be hosted in one home. The majority of students in the homestay program are from Germany, Japan, Spain, Italy, and Brazil. At the moment, more that 20 different countries are represented in the homestay program.
Many are looking for a family connection and being a part of a family during their stay in Delta. Their study periods range from 3 months to half a school year, to a full school year, to multiple years. The short-term summer programs are where host parents welcome younger English learners into their home. It is a great way for students to see what school (and life) in Delta is like and for new homestay families to get a small sample of what hosting is like.
If you are interested in hosting, please reach out to If you are not able to host but know of a family who can, please send them our way. There are referral bonuses available for referring families.


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YAK Pass – City of Delta

This Family Day, the City of Delta will become the first municipality in BC to offer free access to recreation facilities and programming for all local children and youth. The new YAK (Youth and Kids) Pass offers free recreation opportunities to kids 18 years and younger in Delta. To be eligible for the new pass, the applicants must be ages 0-18 and provide proof of Delta residency. Additional information can be found here.


North Delta Spring Break Basketball Camps

Spring Break Week 1: Monday March 17 – Friday March 21 (5 sessions)

Coed Grades 1-2 from 9am – 10am
Coed Grades 3-4 from 10am – 11am
Boys Grades 5-7 from 11am – 12 noon
Girls Grades 5-7 from 12 noon – 1:00pm

Address: Gray Elementary School gym – 10855 80 Avenue Delta, BC V4C 1W4

Registration Fee: $120

Click Here To Register for Spring Break Week 1.


 Spring Break Week 2: Monday March 24 – Friday March 28 (5 sessions)

Coed Grades 3-4 from 9am – 10am
Coed Grades 5-6 from 10am – 11am
Boys Grades 7-11 from 11am – 12 noon
Girls Grades 7-11 from 12 noon – 1:00pm

Address: North Delta Secondary School gym –

11447 82nd Avenue Delta, BC V4C 5J6

Registration Fee: $140

Click Here To Register for Spring Break Week 2.


Earth Day Photo Contest – City of Delta

The City of Delta is hosting the 17th annual Earth Day Photo Contest, a popular event celebrating Delta’s incredible natural ecosystems. Submissions have grown from 21 photo submissions in 2009 to nearly 200 submissions in 2024.

This year’s theme, Streams to Shores, encourages participants to explore and celebrate the unique aquatic ecosystems found throughout Delta, including Cougar Creek, the Fraser River Estuary, Watershed Park, Boundary Bay, Chilukthan Slough, and so many more. These natural areas play a vital role in supporting native species and biodiversity, making them essential components of our community’s ecological health.

Students are encouraged to participate by submitting a photo in the child category (ages 5-12) and youth category (ages 13-17).  Winners of the Earth Day Photo Contest will be invited to a presentation at Council on Monday, April 28th and will receive a prize awarded by the Mayor.

The entry deadline is Tuesday, April 1st, 2025.

Please contact the Office of Climate Action & Environment with any questions at 604-946-3253, or email

Climate Action & Environment Team


Parent Education Opportunities


Family Smart’s lineup of FREE virtual events for February to March are open for registration.


Virtual Event: Explosive Behaviour in Teens: Strategies to Empower Families

Description: When our teens are showing up in explosive ways, we sometimes blame ourselves. Discover with us as a therapist explains some causes of explosive behaviour and strategies that support parents and teens. Victoria Keddis hosts a conversation with Kirk Shields-Priddy, MSW/RSW Group and Family Therapist with Fraser Health START Program.

Registration: FamilySmart – Events

Dates:    March 11th 6:30pm-8pm

              March 12th 12:00pm-1:30pm


March 10th – 14th – Semaine de la Francophonie

Monday, March 10th – Track T-shirt orders due (no late orders accepted)

Thursday, March 13th – PAC Special Foods Lunch (Subway)

Friday, March 14th – last day of school before Spring Break

Monday, March 31st – back to school after Spring Break

Thursday, April 3rd – Term 2 Learning Updates (report cards) available on-line

Other dates and events are listed on our school calendar on our website: