Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year will be held, in-person, from February 18-20 (9:30 am – 12:00 pm). Please register either ONLINE or in-person for your catchment area school.
For verification of your catchment area school, please check the School Locator.
Please have the following documents ready to upload with your child’s registration (all documents must be received for registration to be accepted):
- Proof of birth date for the student (birth certificate, indicating both parents names, or passport) (registration will not be accepted until proof of birth date is received).
- Proof of citizenship for both the parent and the student (Canadian birth certificate, citizenship card, passport, landed immigrant document, permanent resident card).
- BC Services Card (please include both sides of this card)
- Proof of Residency (Property Taxes – current receipt, purchase/rental agreement or rental receipt).
Disclaimer: Please note that email is not a secure form of communication. The theft of sensitive information from intercepted emails is an increasing security risk. The Delta School District recommends that parents who choose to email personal and confidential documentation to the schools should use a secure method via an encrypted email to ensure that their privacy is protected.
Alternatively, please call your catchment school to make arrangements to drop off the documentation.
Registration form is available here.
Parent Declaration form is available here.
*Note: These forms are fillable. Please print and sign the forms if you do not have a digital signature.
Parents should be aware that students may be required to attend a school outside of their usual attendance area if class enrolments exceed 20.
Parents/Guardians of Early French Immersion applicants will be notified by Thursday, February 6, 2025 if they have been accepted into the program, and what school they should register during the weeks of February 12-23. If your child has been placed on a waitlist, please register at your catchment area school to ensure a placement.
If a parent wishes for a child to attend a school other than their catchment area school, an online non-catchment application form must be completed. Non-catchment applications will be accepted online only commencing February 3, 2025 at 8:30 a.m. Applications received prior to March 3, 2025 will receive priority in their respective category. Approvals will be processed as soon as possible, but may be held until the second week of September, therefore, parents should register their child at their catchment area school the weeks of February 10-21, 2025 to ensure a placement. Schools will hold non-catchment forms until approved by the Assistant Superintendent; no approval of non-catchment requests may be given at the school level.
Non-Catchment Information Page
Non-district students applying for Kindergarten in Delta must complete an online non-district application form. Non-district applications will be accepted online only commencing February 3, 2025 at 8:30 a.m. Applications received prior to March 3, 2025 will receive priority in their respective category. Parents of non-district students should be advised that a decision regarding entry into the Delta Kindergarten program may not be made until the second week of September, therefore, should register for their catchment area school in their home district to ensure a placement. The Assistant Superintendents’ Office will notify each school of the successful non-district applicants. Once the school has received approval from the Assistant Superintendents’ Office, non-district students may then register for the designated school.
Please fill out one Non-Catchment or Non-District Application form only. If you have a second and/or third choice, please make note of them on the same form and in order of preference. Please note: Due to space restrictions, Gray, Ladner and Richardson Elementary Schools will only be accepting Non-Catchment and Non-District Applications for those students who have siblings already attending the school. Families that fall in this category, please contact Gray, Ladner or Richardson for more information on how to apply.
Resources to help parents prepare their child for kindergarten